March 18, 202508:51:03 AM

Dog Finds New Home With UPS Driver After Owner’s Death

Leo, a Pit Bull in California has a new home after a tragedy, thanks to a close friend with a big heart.

Tina, Leo’s original owner, adopted him when her son brought him home as a young puppy – young enough that he required bottle feeding. Tina took on the task of feeding and caring for him, and the two bonded. Leo lived happily, loved by Tina and well cared for until she passed away late last year.

As his neighborhood’s UPS driver, Katie was already acquainted with the pup. Leo was always excited when he heard her truck approaching, and could often be found sitting inside the vehicle, making himself comfortable! Katie was a welcome sight when she made her trips and Leo always let her know how happy he was to see her, so the two became fast friends. Katie recalls a particular day when she saw Tina and Leo out for a drive while on her route. She told Pup Journal:

“I remember one day I was driving up one of my busier streets and they were coming down the street and all of a sudden there was Leo popping his head out the passenger side barking at me! He barked all the way down the street!”

When Katie heard that Tina passed through Facebook, she was naturally concerned. An avid animal lover, her thoughts immediately turned to the well-being of her canine friend. Katie already had a full house: three dogs of her own and two cats, but she wanted to know that Leo would be okay. She made an effort to contact Cannon, Katie’s son, and found out that because he was serving in the military, he wouldn’t be able to care for Leo at the time. Katie offered to foster Leo, and Cannon agreed.

Katie explains that it took him some getting used to, but Leo has become a full-fledged member of her happy family! She credits Leo’s affinity for human foods to his popularity among his new siblings. Having to wean Leo off them to break his begging habit, she has been adding boiled chicken to all their bowls – a healthy treat for which they were thankful!

Even though he’s happy in his new home with his new family, it doesn’t seem like Leo will forget Tina, the woman who loved him first, any time soon.

“Leo missed Tina when he first got here. He would whine at night before he would fall asleep. It was heartbreaking, really. He still does every once in a while. I know he misses her.”

Although he suffered a tragic loss, Leo gets to take his happy memories of Tina with him and make new ones with Katie and her family. With so many people to love him, Leo is one lucky dog.

H/T: People Pets

via Whisker Therapy

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