March 17, 202508:41:24 AM

Dog Abandoned With Note On His Collar Is Immediately Adopted

“Hi, my name is Zeus. I am a very good dog. My owner just can’t afford me anymore,” the note attached to his collar begins.

It goes on to identify the dog’s birthday (07/05/15), breed mix (Husky/Black Lab), temperament (energetic, good with kids and cats, but nervous around new dogs), and veterinary status (neutered, but not up to date on shots).

Zeus’ former owner tied him to a tree in Prince George County, Virginia. She left a bag of food nearby. When discovered, he was friendly, outgoing, healthy, and eager to sit, shake or fetch a toy. He had clearly been loved.

As soon as the handsome young pup appeared on the Prince George County Animal Shelter’s Facebook page, community members took an interest.

He was officially placed for adoption on February 13 – and snapped up by a lovely new family the very same day!

The shelter did not judge or make assumptions about Zeus’ previous owner. Rather, they announced their willingness to support pet parents in their community to ensure the best possible outcome for pets and humans alike.

 “We are always here to assist whether it be with resources that can help financially, with feeding your pet, or even with surrendering him or her to us.”

While some disagree with the former owner’s actions, others appreciate her honesty and willingness to seek out a better life for her beloved Zeus. Judging by his huge grin, it certainly looks as if things worked out for the best!

Did you know that there are several resources available to help you keep your pet at home despite behavioral, financial and family-related issues? If all else fails, there are also many options for rehoming your dog. Visit the Humane Society of the United States to learn more.


H/T to Fox 25 Boston

Featured Images via Facebook/Prince George County Animal Shelter

via Whisker Therapy

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