March 28, 202508:31:44 PM

Q&A with Stephen Kuusisto Author of "Have Dog, Will Travel"

About his first guide dog and how she changed this blind poet’s life.
Stephen Kuusisto / Syracuse University Photo by Steve Sartori

Poet Stephen Kuusisto, born legally blind, got his first guide dog in midlife, after years of what he describes as internalized “disability prejudices” that kept him tethered to a very restricted context. Corky, a yellow Lab from Guiding Eyes, gave Kuusisto the freedom to explore new places, and it proved to be a life-changing partnership. The poet recently discussed his new book, Have Dog, Will Travel (Simon & Schuster), with The Bark’s Claudia Kawczynska.

Bark: There’s so much joy in Have Dog, Will Travel, and so many revelations. For example, it’s a misconception that guide dogs control their humans’ movements; tell us a little more about how guide dogs really work with their people.

via Whisker Therapy

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