March 17, 202511:45:25 PM

Want To Train Your Dog To Come When Called? We’re Here To Show You How

You’ve probably seen us discuss why it’s important to teach your dog a strong recall. And you may have rolled your eyes at us because even after begging…

…and pleading…

…and calling his name until you’re hoarse, your dog is still anywhere that you aren’t. Across the street. Across the park. He could be across an ocean, because that’s how much attention he’s giving you when you call him.

It may seem impossible, but don’t lose hope! iHeartDogs’ Master Trainer Jesse Ciletti and her lovely assistant, Abby show that it CAN BE DONE! Check out the video below to see how to get your dog to come running any time you call him using positive reinforcement, no matter what distractions may stand in the way.

They make it look so easy!

Remember to use whatever sort of positive reinforcement your dog prefers, and never jerk on his leash. If your dog already has bad habits when you call his name, check out How To Correct A Dog That Doesn’t Come When Called.

via Whisker Therapy

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