March 16, 2025

The Miracle of CBD Oil for Dogs

The miracle of CBD Oil for dogs

Are you dealing with a dog who is suffering from painful, maybe life-threatening health issues?

Maybe your pit bull has such intense anxiety that she cowers during every thunderstorm, or your twelve-year-old schnauzer is struggling to walk from arthritic joints. Maybe you’ve got a rescue Golden Retriever with cancer.  Or a Corgi who suffers with seizures. While there are a growing number of natural health options available for canine health conditions, many either don’t work or have nasty side effects.

Fortunately, one alternative treatment that’s getting a lot of attention from the press and dog owners these days is CBD oil.   And it’s because there’s a growing body of evidence (both science based and anecdotal) that it WORKS!  Made from hemp, CBD oil is proving to offer relief and even healing from a wide variety of health problems…

… And as a result it’s increasing in popularity across the country.  And becoming difficult to keep in stock.

But what is CBD oil, and what health benefits can it offer your pet? Let’s look at the facts.

What is CBD?

Cannabinol (CBD) is one of over 85 compounds collectively known as cannabinoids that are found in the cannabis plant.[ii] CBD alone makes up close to 40 percent of the plant’s extracts, [iii] but it’s not what’s responsible for cannabis’s most famous properties.

Instead, a cannabinoid called THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is what actually produces the “high” that everyone associates with pot.

It takes a specialized CO2 extraction process to get a concentrated CBD oil from cannabis plants.  However, it’s worth as the resulting liquid is rich in amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, terpenes, and other beneficial compounds.

For this reason, CBD oil is being used by people around the world to treat symptoms associated with a wide variety of health problems in both humans and dogs alike. [iv]

CBD and the Immune System

Why is CBD oil so special?

It’s the cannabinoids it contains.

These chemical compounds play a key role in regulating your mood, appetite and sleep cycle. Some are produced in your body (endocannabinoid) while others come from your diet  (phytocannabinoids). [v]

Cannabinoids work by attaching themselves to your body through either CB1 or CB2 receptors.

CB1 receptors are primarily linked to the brain, and they control coordination, cognition, mood, memory formation, and even appetite.

THC attaches to the CB1 (brain) receptors, which is why it produces a mental “high.”

CBD, on the other hand, only affects the CB2 receptors. These are directly connected to the immune system, and they are responsible for managing pain and inflammation.

And evidence shows that they stimulate your system to build its own receptors instead.[vi] So no matter what, if your immune system has been compromised, you can supplement your levels with CBD oil to make up the difference.

Cannabinoids and Dogs

So what does this mean for your dog? Research shows: the endocannabinoid system exists in all vertebrates, and dogs are no exception.[vii] Dogs share almost 70 percent of their essential biology with humans, and studies from the past decade show that cannabinoids bind to receptors within dogs in similar ways as they do with people.[viii] [ix]

While the research about CBD oil is still developing, it’s clear from what we know so far that the oil can reduce physical pain and inflammation without compromising mental functioning. [x]

Plus, it’s not a sedative that “masks” the underlying health problem by merely temporarily hiding your symptoms. Instead, cannabinol triggers the immune system in ways that improve, even reverse, non-normal functioning.

The Differences Between Hemp and Marijuana

Contrary to popular opinion, marijuana and hemp are not the same.

Both plants share the common ancestor of cannabis sativa, but centuries of selective breeding that focused on different characteristics has led to the development of two plants with significantly different ratios of cannabinoids.

To be classified as hemp, a cannabis plant can’t contain more than a 0.3 percent THC concentration. As THC is the coveted compound in pot plants, most marijuana varieties include upwards of 15 to 20 percent. [xi] Despite the amount of THC in the final product, it is classified as hemp or marijuana based on its plant of origin.

Is CBD Oil Legal?

How legal is CBD oil in the United States today?

That answer isn’t as clear as it could be, as regulations change depending on where you live and whether the compound comes from industrial hemp or marijuana plants.

Most simply put, though:

CBD oil derived from industrial hemp is legal across the country.

  • Marijuana runs the full spectrum from being entirely legal in some states, permitted only for medical use in others, and being banned entirely in the rest.
  • Likewise, many states permit people to grow “industrial hemp” while others forbid its production but allow it to be imported if grown elsewhere.

There is some debate about whether the effectiveness of CBD oil changes if it’s derived from hemp or marijuana.

Some people find THC improves their symptom relief from CBD.

However, this isn’t a factor you should consider for your pet.

Will CBD Oil Get Your Dog “High”?

You might have seen CBD oil showing up in a variety of dog-related products, from oils and capsules to specially formulated dog biscuits. Yet, many dog owners are leery of serving their pets a dose of cannabinoids. Will using CBD oil make your dog high? The odds are virtually zero. THC highs are dangerous for dogs, so canine-grade CBD oils should always come from hemp.[xii] CBD oil can provide your pet with a calming feeling and reduce chronic pain, but it its lack of psychoactive qualities means that it won’t create a “high” or affect them mentally.

Nine Ways that CBD Oil Might Help Your Dog

Will CBD oil improve the health of your pet? The evidence seems to show so. Some of the conditions that the compound can address include the following.

1. Calms Down Aggression and Skittishness

If your dog regularly lunges on a leash or cowers under the bed when a stranger comes in, CBD oil might reduce that anxiety so that he can develop new patterns of behavior. Likewise, CBD oil can improve the quality of life for dogs that deal with anxiety when their owners leave, helping to prevent them from indulging in destructive behaviors like chewing, pacing, urinating, and more.

According to CBD World,[xiii] one reviewer’s dog had cancer and severe storm anxiety for his entire life. This stress triggered vomiting, which made it hard for the dog to eat enough to keep his weight within a healthy range. Regular doses of a CBD oil tincture improved his sleep and helped him keep down food. After a few weeks of treatment, his general anxiety was almost gone, and the dog was able to maintain a healthier weight because of it.

2. Treats Seizures and Epilepsy

Suffering from seizures is a struggle for both pets and their owners, but CBD oil is proven to make a difference. The compound has been found to be a practical treatment option for managing seizures in humans as they are experiencing them, and it can reduce their frequency over time.

One study revealed a profound improvement in seizure intensity within five months of treatment,[xiv] and another study that looked specifically at children found that they experienced an 84 percent reduction in the frequency of their seizures. [xv]

Close to five percent of dogs suffer from seizures, and many of these dogs take prescription medications like phenobarbital and potassium bromide. While these medications can reduce the incidence of seizures, most have harmful effects on the liver and other organs, and they can trigger lethargy, dizziness, and confusion for your pet. Likewise, some dogs develop drug-resistant epilepsy that defies attempts at treatment.[xvi]

However, anecdotal evidence shows that CBD oil can treat all forms of seizure conditions, especially in situations where other drugs don’t work. In one case, Rocky the bulldog suffered from extreme seizures that triggered erratic movements and foaming at the mouth. Though his owner tried many different prescription medications, nothing made a difference for his symptoms until he gave Rocky two spoons of CBD oil in the middle of a seizure. Within seconds, the CBD calmed his shaking and Rocky was restored to normal.[xvii]

In another instance, Bernie, a Swiss mountain dog, started undergoing grand mal seizures at just six months old that left him completely incapacitated. Bernie’s medication made him disoriented and it was harming his liver, so his owners tried CBD oil instead. The supplement reduced the severity and frequency of his seizures until they eventually disappeared.[xviii]

If your pup hasn’t responded well to standard seizure medication, consider treating them with Full Spectrum CBD Oil for Dogs instead.

3. Relieves Chronic Pain

It’s extremely common for older dogs to develop arthritis in their joints.

As this is caused by inflammation that leads to aching and degenerative illnesses, some dog owners report that their pet’s arthritis responds well to CBD oil.[xix] The compound acts as a natural pain reliever, and it also works to soothe irritation to prevent arthritis from getting established.[xx]

In one instance, Sadie the dog suffered from debilitating hip pain until she was treated with CBD oil. The treatment improved her gait, and it even reduced her chronic anxiety during thunderstorms.[xxi]

The research is still forthcoming, but many doctors are impressed enough with CBD’s potential that they are considering it as a unique class of drug for addressing chronic pain.[xxii]

4. Boosts Appetite

Dogs lose their appetites for numerous reasons, but the issue is often linked to nausea.

You can improve your pet’s desire to eat by giving her CBD oil to eliminate any digestive distress.[xxiii] Likewise, the National Cancer Institute states that CBD oil can increase appetite,[xxiv] making it a smart way to get a stubborn dog to touch his food again.

Some CBD oil products are formulated within dog biscuits to make the process easier for pet owners, but you can also feed your pup a dropperful of Full Spectrum CBD oil directly to help the process.[xxv]

5. Prevents and Fights Cancer

A canine cancer diagnosis is crushing for any owner, and the condition (along with chemotherapy treatments) can result in numerous unpleasant side effects like chronic pain, loss of appetite, and general nausea. Many dog owners claim that CBD oil makes an excellent treatment option because it keeps these side effects under control.[xxvi]

They also say that CBD oil can improve the effectiveness of conventional cancer treatment.[xxvii]

Even more impressive, the compound can slow the rate that cancer spreads and kill off cells by boosting the power of the immune system so that it prevents the cancer from getting established. The oil contains properties that inhibit tumor formation, which means that a small daily dose of high-quality CBD oil daily might reduce your pet’s cancer risk or slow tumor growth.[xxviii] [xxix] [xxx]

In one instance, Monkey the cat was diagnosed with terminal intestinal cancer. Her chemotherapy’s side effects caused her to stop eating and sleeping, and she became lethargic. Monkey’s owner mixed some CBD oil into her food, and it immediately brought her energy back- to the point that she was acting healthier than she had before cancer. While the CBD didn’t cure her (Monkey passed away a few months later), her owner was happy the oil improved her quality of life for the time she had left.[xxxi]

6. Helps with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Ingesting CBD oil has impressive benefits for the digestive system, and numerous studies report that it can prevent you and your pet from developing irritable bowel disease.[xxxii] Also, thanks to natural antibacterial properties, the compound can inhibit the highly-dangerous Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) bacteria from establishing itself. [xxxiii]

7. Reduces Autoimmune Disease

As CBD oil plays a role in managing the immune system, the compound can decrease the production of inflammatory cytokines that trigger autoimmune disorders, allergies, and other sensitivities.[xxxiv]

Part of the benefit comes from its ability to suppress the formation of Th17 dominance, a significant cause of autoimmune diseases.[xxxv] The compound is also a powerful antioxidant (more potent than vitamins C and E),[xxxvi] and it can reduce cases of chronic inflammation for your dog.

8. Protects the Nervous System

Spine and nervous system problems are unfortunately common in dogs, but addressing these concerns with a CBD oil treatment might be a way forward for better treatment. Human and canine research alike shows some promise for helping patients with neurogenerative disorders like ALS, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease by protecting the brain from cell death triggered by free radicals.[xxxvii]

9. Promotes Cardiovascular Health

CBD oil might be good for the canine heart. Research has shown that the compound can reduce damage to blood vessels, even out irregular heart rates, and reduce blood pressure problems associated with stress and anxiety.[xxxviii] [xxxix]In other words, taking CBD oil supplements can keep your pet’s heart ticking as it should.

In one example, a Jack Russell had a heart murmur improve after regular treatment with CBD oil … a condition that generally doesn’t get better on its own.[xl]

Treat Your Pet with Full Spectrum CBD Oil

For those looking for a natural alternative to prescription pet medications, CBD oil holds much promise. Our Full Spectrum CBD Oil For Dogs is organic, sourced from industrial hemp (so legal), pesticide free and solvent free.

However, please note that high global demand for CBD oil means there have been shortages in North America and we anticipate that our stock may sell out quickly.

If you’re interested in trying CBD oil with your dog, click here now to get complete details.

(And purchase early, if you’re interested, to make sure you don’t miss out!)

[i] PetMD: Seven Common Side Effects of Pet Medication

[ii] Livescience: What is THC

[iii] Medical News Today: Everything You Need to Know About Hemp and CBD Oil

[iv] Hempmedspx: About Hemp Stalk Oil

[v] Ministry of Hemp: Made from Hemp

[vi] Echo Connection: A Look at Endocannabinoid Systems

[vii] Role of the endocannabinoid system in vertebrates: Emphasis on the zebrafish model.

[viii] CBD World: Using Hemp Oil to Treat Our Dogs

[ix] HolistaPet: The Endocannabinoid System in Dogs and Cats Explained

[x] Medical News Today: Everything You Need to Know About Hemp and CBD Oil

[xi] Hempmedspx: Which States is CBD Oil Legal to Purchase?

[xii] Preventivevet: What to Know if You Want to Give Your Dog CBD Oil

[xiii] CBD World: Using Hemp CBD Oil to Treat Our Dogs

[xiv] Hypnotic and antiepileptic effects of cannabidiol

[xv] Report of a parent survey of cannabidiol-enriched cannabis use in pediatric treatment-resistant epilepsy

[xvi] American Epilepsy Society: Efficacy and safety of epidiolex (cannabidiol) in children and young adults with treatment-resistent epilepsy: Initial data from an expanded access program

[xvii] Mirror: Dog suffering terrifying seizures transforms within seconds thanks to CANNABIS oil

[xviii] The Guardian: Pets on pot: is medical marijuana giving sick animals a necessary dose of relief?

[xix] Medical News Today: Can CBD oil relieve arthritis pain?

[xx] Cannabinoids suppress inflammatory and neuropathic pain by targeting α3 glycine receptors

[xxi] CBDWorld: Using Hemp CBD Oil to Treat Our Dogs

[xxii] Cannabidiol as an emergent therapeutic strategy for lessening the impact of inflammation on oxidative stress

[xxiii] Cannabidiol, a non-psychotropic component of cannabis, attenuates vomiting and nausea-like behaviour via indirect agonism of 5-HT(1A) somatodendritic autoreceptors in the dorsal raphe nucleus.

[xxiv] Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®)–Patient Version

[xxv] Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

[xxvi] Marijuana and Cancer

[xxvii] Phyto-, endo- and synthetic cannabinoids: promising chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of breast and prostate carcinomas

[xxviii] Cannabidiol-Induced Apoptosis in Human Leukemia Cells: A Novel Role of Cannabidiol in the Regulation of p22phox and Nox4 Expression

[xxix] Cannabinoids increase lung cancer cell lysis by lymphokine-activated killer cells via upregulation of ICAM-1.

[xxx] Cannabidiol rather than Cannabis sativa extracts inhibit cell growth and induce apoptosis in cervical cancer cells

[xxxi] The Guardian: Pets on pot: is medical marijuana giving sick animals a necessary dose of relief?

[xxxii] Project CBD: Irritable Bowel

[xxxiii] Antibacterial cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa: a structure-activity study.

[xxxiv] Cannabinoids in intestinal inflammation and cancer.

[xxxv] Cannabinoids decrease the th17 inflammatory autoimmune phenotype.

[xxxvi] Cannabidiol and (−)Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol are neuroprotective antioxidants

[xxxvii] Cannabidiol for neurodegenerative disorders: important new clinical applications for this phytocannabinoid?

[xxxviii] Acute administration of cannabidiol in vivo suppresses ischaemia-induced cardiac arrhythmias and reduces infarct size when given at reperfusion

[xxxix] Effects of cannabidiol and diazepam on behavioral and cardiovascular responses induced by contextual conditioned fear in rats

[xl] Dogs Naturally Magazine: CBD Oil for Dogs


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