March 17, 202512:03:35 AM

Fourth Grader’s Essay Makes Dog Officially “Number 1!”

It’s been said that everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong. But Geauga County, Ohio has officially declared a local pup to be Number 1!

Geauga County Auditor’s Office asked students in fourth and fifth grades to help them find the county’s number 1 dog. The proud youngsters wrote essays about their favorite pets, but one stood out among the others. Notre Dame fourth grader Olivia Caschera shared her own pup’s story, earning the top prize from the county and tags for life for her family’s dog! He’ll also receive a special tag that will let everyone who meets him know that he’s “Number 1!”

The Caschera family fostered S’mores through Mutts In A Rut Rescue after they lost another family pet. S’mores had been brought in after being hit by a car, and had his leg amputated. After a short time fostering him, they decided to make him a permanent member of their family! Despite the loss of his leg, S’mores continues to enjoy life, and has inspired Olivia, who says in her essay, “Even though you may be a little different, you can achieve anything!”

Read Olivia’s winning essay here:

S’mores was a stray dog rooming the towns of Ohio living a happy and stressful life. Until one day S’mores came across a road, now S’mores didn’t know that was a road but he still tried to go across it. Boom!!! (S’mores got hit)

The person that hit him called the vet. The vet came to bring him back to the shelter. They took some tests and they found out that his leg had to be amputated!!! So they did, but that wasn’t the only only problem, the vet still needed to find his owner!!! They called everybody in the area but no owner to be found. After a whole week, still no owner to be found. So the head vet had to give S’mores to ”Mutts In A Rut Rescue.” Now, our old dog had just died. So we got guinea pigs first, then we heard about this dog, S’mores, that we decided to foster. My family and I went to go meet him and he was the perfect fit. So one week later we did it, we started fostering S’mores!!! Then only one month later a family wanted him!!! So we had to make a decision, ether to keep S’mores, or to keep fostering. My mom and my brother wanted to keep fostering, but me and my dad wanted to keep him. After a day we decided to keep him!!! He is an awesome dog because he can show you even though you may be a little different, you can still achieve anything!!!

S’mores is 1.5 years old and he still can jump, run, and do SOOO many tricks. He is on his way to becoming a therapy dog as well. It’s like S’mores doesn’t even know he has three legs!!!

The Caschera family continues to foster dogs through Mutts In A Rut rescue, but they’ll all have to settle for being number 2 after S’mores!


Featured Photo: Mutts In A Rut Rescue/Facebook

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