March 16, 2025

How Fashionable is Your Dog This Season?

Canine Christmas sweaters

Whether you love or hate Christmas sweaters, you are bound to see a lot of them this season on people and dogs alike. There are ugly ones and attractive ones, and some that can lead to awkward moments when you’re unsure which category they are in. Adding to the confusion is that even Christmas sweaters that are clearly ugly can look adorable on a dog.

There is great controversy about whether dressing dogs up in festive clothing is sweet, unkind, stupid or all in good fun. My opinion is that many dogs don’t like to be dressed up and there is often no reason to do so. If a dog objects to it in any way, whether the objection takes the form of aggression, avoidance, fearfulness or stress, we should pay attention to the dog’s feelings. If a dog doesn’t like it, a good choice is to cease and desist immediately.

via Whisker Therapy

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