The 1950s and ‘60s were a golden age of rock ‘n’ roll, sock hops, and station wagons—with an adorable sidekick curled up in the backseat. Back then, some breeds ruled suburban homes an...
After spending a lifetime in a puppy mill, Chloe was finally rescued. Tragedy struck again, however, when Julia Arney’s vet recommended she euthanize Chloe, her senior Maltese, due to a brain tu...
Good gut health is imperative to your four-legged friend’s overall health.
After all, a dog’s immune system, or “gut” (stomach, colon and intestines), is responsible for preventing toxins and bad bac...
A reminder of one’s identity
When my first son was born, it came as no surprise to me that my life changed—a lot. What really caught me off guard as quite a shock was how much my identity ...
We all joke about not dating someone who our dog doesn’t like, but there is some truth in these words. When someone else enters the picture that does not understand why our dog comes first ...
It’s a scene we’ve all been party to a million times or more. The table is set, the family is seated, and as you attempt to take that first bite of the delicious meal you’ve lovingly prepared, you be...
My nightmare! And I know I’m not alone. I love getting my pups groomed. Shiny, brushed-out coats. The sweet smell of perfume…until they jump into the creek. Ugh! But I always worry when I drop them o...
Like humans, dogs’ personalities likely change over time, according to new research.
When dog owners spend extra time scratching their dogs’ bellies, take their dogs out for long walks an...
Is your dog constantly performing an at-home dumpster dive for some less than appetizing snacks? Lest you think you have the weirdest dog around, fear not, for you are not alone. Eating tissues and a...
There’s no denying the fact an aggressive dog is potentially dangerous. It’s a problem that requires attention from a professional dog behaviorist, but there’s a lot more to canine aggression than mo...