March 16, 2025

10 Reasons to Fall in Love with a Dog Person

We all joke about not dating someone who our dog doesn’t like, but there is some truth in these words. When someone else enters the picture that does not understand why our dog comes first (or even a close second), it can cause problems. Falling in love with someone who is a dog lover can avoid a lot of fights, heartaches, and frustration.


#1 – Willing to Share the Bed

A mutual dog lover will be more likely to not mind sharing the bed with a dog (or two). While not all dog lovers allow this, you still have a better chance than with someone who does not like dogs or is, heaven forbid, allergic.


#2 – Doesn’t Mind Dog Kisses

Your dog licks your face and then you want to kiss your significant other. However to a non-dog lover this might just be the grossest thing ever. Avoid this by kissing someone who kisses their own dog too.


#3 –  Understands Your Dog Comes First

Breaking a date because your dog is sick or running late at the dog park? A non-dog lover may say he’s “just a dog,” or “you spend more time time with your dog than me.” A dog lover would bring you food so you didn’t have to worry about cooking and caring for your dog or would meet you at the dog park for a romantic evening watching the dogs play.


#4 – Shares Your Passion

The foundation of a good relationship is sharing interests and passions. If dogs are your passion, why not find someone who loves dogs too? There are plenty of single dog owners out there and they won’t mind going to all those dog events.


#5 – Won’t Complain About Spending

Here are words no dog lover ever wants to hear, “you spend more money on your dog than on me!” Well, yes I do, so what? Another dog lover won’t be as likely to complain about the amount you spend on your dog, or that fact that the dog has more bling that she does.


#6 – Will Let the Dog Come Too

You want to vacation somewhere the dog is welcome. Your significant other wants a “break” from the dog. Avoid this argument by being with someone that only looks at dog-friendly vacations, knowing your first love is coming too.


#7 – Won’t Mind Dog Hair

Another dog lover will be okay if you show up for every date with dog hair, in fact she will probably have dog hair on her too. She might even make art out of your dog’s fur!


#8 – Is OK That Your Phone is Full of Dog Pics

Have you ever been asked to see a picture of your new “someone” and had to scroll through 200 images of your dog to finally find the one you took when he was holding your dog? A non-dog lover may start to feel bested by the dog, whereas a fellow dog lover won’t care – their camera roll looks the same.


#9 – Buys Your Dog Gifts

A fellow dog lover will gladly buy your dog a Christmas, birthday, “gotcha” day, a “just because” present without thinking you need your head examined. It may seem silly, but if they get on you every time you want to but your dog something, it will get old fast.


#10 – Willing to Share You

Is your dog used to cuddling with you on the couch? Or expects a 2 minute welcome scratch every time you walk in the door? A non-dog person may not be willing to share you or understand why your dog needs so much attention, but a dog lover will snuggle both of you and be happy about it.


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