If Anyone Is Missing A Turkey, This Dog Might Have It

Sometimes the internet provides us with far more questions than it does answers. That is absolutely the case with a photo posted on Facebook on November 26th. Today, just 3 days into December, the post has over 8,000 shares. And I have about the same number of questions about it!

The mysterious picture in question features a dog (most likely a chocolate Lab) standing proudly in the middle of a road in Arkansas with a whole frozen turkey at its feet. The woman who posted the photo, Kathy Wyrick, found the apparent theft hilarious.

“Anyone missing their frozen turkey? If so, this Conway dog proudly had it in the Round Mtn. area.”

Photo by Jenny Jones, via @KatWyrick/Facebook

The dog is wearing a collar and appears to belong to somebody. But who? And is this their turkey or did the pup run off with someone else’s whole turkey? These are just a few of the questions I have.

As the picture gained popularity, other comments and questions came pouring in. Facebook user Tabatha Walls Blanachard echoed what many must be thinking in the comments, that she hopes the dog’s people see this.

“I bet they left the turkey out to thaw and tada this is hilarious I wished the owners could see this!”

Another Facebook user Dee Dee replied:

“Well he does look pretty pleased with himself! I sure hope he’s thankful cause he’s in big trouble!”

Jenny Jones, the credited photographer of the original photo, noted on her page at least that the pup got safely out of the road.

“And of course I waited until this beautiful dog and his frozen turkey were safely across the road!”

Believe me, I wish I could give you all more answers than this but for now all we know is that one clever dog had a very happy Thanksgiving indeed!

Is Turkey Safe For Dogs To Eat?

The short answer is: Yes! Plain turkey is safe for dogs. That means no salt, seasonings, butter, onions, or garlic. Just plain old turkey.

According to the Healthy Paws Blog, there are just a few things to remember when giving your dog turkey to eat:

  • Go for the “lean” / white meat with excess fat and skin removed.
  • In general, vets warn that extremely rich, fatty foods can lead to pancreatitis in dogs. It’s recommended you not give your dog the skin or fatty parts of the turkey.
  • The same rules apply for ground turkey: just no spices or additives!
  • Turkey bones are a definite no-no for dogs. They can break and cause internal injuries for your dog. They’re also a choking hazard.

So while we don’t encourage you to toss your dog whole turkeys, there’s no need to be overly concerned if they rip off a few bites.

Featured Image: @KatWyrick/Facebook

The post If Anyone Is Missing A Turkey, This Dog Might Have It appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

via Whisker Therapy

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