Rescue Pittie Has Daily “Conversations” With Her Mom

Sure, us dog people understand that our dogs don’t speak the same language as we do. But that doesn’t seem to stop us from having conversations with them. Most of my conversations with my dog bring out my high-pitched doggie talking voice, and they’re usually one-sided. A Pit Bull named Maisy is the kind of dog who always talks back.

Marisa Elbert, who Maisy belongs to, told The Dodo she learned about the pup shortly after putting down her 13-year-old Pit Bull. A friend tagged her in a photo of the gray and white dog online.

“She was living in a yard for three years in a kennel, just outdoors, neglected.”

The people who had Maisy before Elbert mostly paid no attention to her except for breeding purposes. The problem is, Maisy never got pregnant.

“At that point they were like, ‘Well she’s a waste of money to feed. She’s so ugly, nobody’s gonna want her, we’ll just put her down.”

Thankfully, Elbert says, a family friend stepped in to bring the poor pup to a rescue. That’s where Elbert met Maisy.

“The first day when I brought her home, we went down the driveway and I threw some tennis balls for her and I mean- she was woo-ing on the way up and woo-ing on the way down. She was just so happy. It’s like she knew she was home.”

Most of Maisy’s photographs feature her adorable “woo woo” face, caught mid-howl.


“Woo-ing” is common for Maisy, so Elbert started to reply back to her excited dog. They “converse” daily.

Before adopting Maisy, in addition to losing her dog, Elbert also lost her mother and father within a year. She felt alone, and Maisy coming into her life turned that around for her.

“She would kind of sense that I was feeling down and she would come over and pretty much smash her face into mine and just start licking me.”

Thank goodness these two souls found each other! Maisy gave Elbert the company she needed and Elbert gave Maisy the rich, full, indoor dog life she deserved.

“She brings this new perspective of just happiness. Everything is fantastic. She makes life just so much brighter and there’s humor to it.”


Eventually, Maisy and Elbert’s conversations picked up steam on the internet. Maisy now has a hugely popular Instagram account. This chatty gal even has her own merchandise and purchasable ring tones of her iconic “woos.”


Watch one of her many videos to really get the full experience of this girl’s excitement!

I don’t care if no one downloads ringtones anymore, Maisy’s woo-tone I have to get!

H/T: The Dodo
Featured Image: @maisythebarnhippo/Instagram

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