A rescue group received a call about a man that was mistreating his dogs. When they arrived, they were taken aback by the conditions of the dogs and the yard they lived in.
One particular dog that was wearing a heavy chain was flesh and bones. The chain was so heavy, it weighed the poor dog down. Despite all she’s been through, she wagged her tail at the rescuer. It was as if she was asking the woman for help. She certainly was happy to see her. The dog had given birth a few months prior and her puppies were nearby running and playing.

The seasoned rescuer knew she would have an easier time with the man if she showed kindness. It would be best for the dogs if he voluntarily surrendered them instead of the authorities getting involved (which could be a lengthy process).
The man finally agreed to surrender the three puppies. The rescuers opened the back of their SUV, placed the puppies inside, and closed the trunk. But when they asked about the mama dog, the man said they couldn’t take her.

The woman, sharp as a tack, continued to “sweet talk” the man. She even complimented him and said he was doing a good job with his dogs. She then asked if the mama had to stay with him, if he could at least let Mama sleep inside his garage. It was getting cold outside. The woman even offered to supply a bed for her. The man’s response to her question is incredible!

While the situation was inexcusable, the experienced rescuers understood that the welfare of the animals was the most important thing. Bashing this man would accomplish nothing! As the story unfolds, it teaches us a valuable lesson, as said by the rescuer herself, “It pays to be kind.”
We are so incredibly grateful for this rescue. Witness it for yourself in the video below. Thank you to The Dodo for sharing this amazing story with us.
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The post Daring Woman Sweet Talks Abuser, He Retorts “Open The Car Door” appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy