March 26, 202510:31:14 AM

Bat-Dog-In-Training Doesn’t Want To Fetch, He Just Wants To RUN!

Brooks is minor league baseball team, The Frisco RoughRiders‘ “Team Dog, Ambassador & future Bat Dog.” The leggy, energetic Yellow Lab is tasked with helping his teammates get called up to the majors by their affiliated MLB team, the Texas Rangers. He has running the bases down pat, but fetching the bats? Not so much! He may not be the world’s best bat dog, but Brooks makes up for his shortcomings with enthusiasm and tons of heart! Besides, he is still learning!

Recently, he got a little too excited when running the bases and accidentally bowled over a kid!

Let’s see that again!

And then there was the time he was supposed to be fetching the bat, but decided to sprint to second base instead!

Luckily, Brooks’ teammates and fans don’t mind his antics one bit! In fact, it seems that his imperfections only make him all the more lovable!

He may not have his on-field duties down yet, but Brooks excels where it really counts! The gentle Lab is fabulous with his many mini-human fans.

And when it comes down to it, that’s what really matters! From all of us at iHeartDogs, we love you just the way you are, Brooks!


H/T to USA Today

Featured Images via Facebook/Frisco RoughRiders

via Whisker Therapy

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