March 28, 202504:56:32 PM

Rescue Pup Is Adopted In Record Time Thanks To His Adorably Toothy Grin

Cheech the rescue pup is the hottest commodity to come out of Texas since Dr. Pepper! The adorable pooch was brought into the City of Waller Animal Shelter and Rescue on Friday and his heart-melting dog smile was shared via Facebook.

The new shelter is not yet open to the public, but nevertheless, inquiries and adoption applications poured in for Cheech. By Monday, he was off to his forever home!

At first, volunteers mistook Cheech’s display of pearly whites for a snarl, but shelter director Leah Sipe quickly set them right. She reached into his cage, revealing the “smile” for what it was – Cheech’s endearing way of expressing his affection for his rescuers!

 “He’s an awesome little guy!” Sipe told Fox 32.

It seems that everyone who set eyes upon his toothy, squinty-eyed grin instantly fell in love, because the shelter was soon innundated with offers to adopt. But one particular application stood out to Sipe.

A woman named Carrie reached out with a heartbreaking story. Her beloved Shepherd passed away from cancer on Friday – the very day of Cheech’s arrival – and her other dog Dusty had been severely depressed and refusing to eat ever since.

Carrie and Dusty came to visit on Monday, and it was instantly clear that Cheech was the perfect match for their little family. He climbed into Carrie’s lap beside Dusty, aka: his new brother!

Now Cheech has the best reason of all to smile – he has a wonderful home to call his own!

Although Sipe is delighted that so many people showed interest in little Cheech, she wants everyone to know that there are several more wonderful pups still waiting for their chance at a happy ending.

She posted the following photo album to Facebook featuring several of the shelter’s rescue dogs – each plucked from the pound on the day they were scheduled for euthanasia.

Sipe is also a Waller Police officer and one of the founders of the unique shelter. Area residents and first responders saw the drastic need for a no-kill shelter and took it upon themselves to create one.

The City of Waller Animal Shelter is currently under construction in an old renovated jail and will be open to the public in November. It is entirely volunteer and donation-based and is the first no-kill shelter in the city and county.


H/T to Fox 32

Featured Images via Facebook/City of Waller Animal Shelter and Rescue

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