March 28, 202502:52:31 PM

Runaway Dog Spends The Day Touring NYC Before Being Reunited With Owner

Gwen Wunderlich was on the tarmac at LaGuardia airport at 7 am on Friday when she received a call from her dog walker that her Chow mix, Cash, had slipped out of his collar and run away. Recalling the conversation, Wunderlich told CBS New York:

“’Oh my god, we’ve lost the dog, we lost him, he escaped, we’re so sorry.’ And they were crying.”

Wunderlish was able to convince the airline staff to turn the plane around so she could get off and find Cash.

“I told the stewardess. I got up, and she was like, ‘Are you sure? We can only turn around for emergencies.’ I’m like, ‘this is an emergency for me.’”

When she contacted the police, she was told Cash had been spotted in traffic on the Brooklyn bridge a few blocks away from her home. She then posted about Cash on social media, and tips soon came flooding in from people who had seen Cash in various places throughout Manhattan and Brooklyn.

Animal control workers finally caught up with Cash around 3:30 pm that day. He had sought refuge in a deli and parked himself – that’s right – next to the cash register.

Wunderlish told New York Post:

“I thought that was so funny. He seemed tired and a little bewildered, but happy to see me. He’s going to be kept overnight, and will have to be neutered. Other than that, it’s great. We’re gonna pick up our little family member in the morning.”

(H/T: New York Post, CBS New York)

via Whisker Therapy

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