March 27, 2025

Dogs in Anti-Gravity

Dog jumpers make for amusing photographs

Dogs with springs in their legs can create magic in photographs. Consider this picture of a dog who was clearly not feeling sluggish.

The dog, an adolescent mix of who-knows-what-breeds, is energetic and enthusiastic. I’ve always thought that she looks like she has kangaroo in her, and this picture supports my argument. Meanwhile, the other dog in the household, a super chill male approaching the age of 9 years old, looks on wisely.

Each of their approaches to life is captured in the photo. The young dog is exuberant and bouncy, filled with a coiled-spring-like tension, like Tigger form Winnie-the Pooh. The older dog has his moments of high-spirited fun, but as he gets older, they occur less and less often. He is far more likely to look forward to a restful nap than an intense play session or outing as he enters his golden years.


via Whisker Therapy

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