March 27, 2025

High-Pitched Noise Meant To Deter Pooping Dogs Annoys Neighbors Instead

In 2012, the Orange County Bar Association installed two boxes on their Orlando building that emit a high-pitched squeal when activated by motion sensors in an effort to prevent animals from sticking around long enough to poop on the property. Five years later, the neighbors have had enough.

Tim Lawrence purchased a nearby condo several months ago and was appalled to hear that the squeal had been an ongoing problem for 5 years, so he decided to start a Facebook group, North Quarter United #StopTheSqueal to rally his neighbors together to try to solve the issue. Lawrence compared the squeal to ringing in your ears and said that every car that drives by sets off the motion detectors.

City officials have used noise monitors to measure the frequency of the squeal several times, but the readings come in under acceptable frequency levels, so they can’t do anything about people’s complaints.

Lawrence’s complaints have finally been heard by the Bar Association. Earlier today, Lawrence posted on the Facebook page a response he had received:

“Good Morning Mr. Lawrence:
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. The boxes have been disabled as we continue to work towards an alternate solution. Please let us know if you have any other concerns.”

Hopefully the Bar Association can find a solution for keeping their property clean that doesn’t involve a sound that bothers the neighbors all around!

(H/T: News 6)

via Whisker Therapy

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