March 28, 202504:33:45 PM

A Golden Retriever Makes a Remarkable Recovery

How physical therapy gave a dog a fighting chance at mobility
First we supported the dog in a standing position over a balance ball and used an electrical muscle stimulation device
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation was employed to artificially activate the dog's muscles

The Golden Retriever’s name was Rocky 3, and he proved to be as much of a fighter as the big-screen Rocky. The first time Steve Peterson’s much-loved canine companion came to me for physical rehabilitation, he was carried in on a stretcher. He’d been hit by a car and left quadriplegic from a severe spinal contusion. Fortunately, after his veterinarians determined that he was not a candidate for surgery, they knew exactly what to do: get him under the care of a licensed physical therapist certified in canine rehabilitation.

It was an emotional time. Neurological recovery is difficult to predict, so while I couldn’t promise Steve how much function his best buddy would recover, I could promise him that I’d give it my all.

via Whisker Therapy

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