Lost Dogs and Their Finders

The art and heart of tracking canine runaways.
Courtesy of John Lundquist
Canoe co-pilot Lindsey with sister Jane.

John Lundquist got word that someone had spotted Lindsey, his Australian Shepherd mix who’d gone missing about a month earlier on a camping trip deep in Minnesota’s north woods, but the news wasn’t reassuring. She had been seen racing across a backcountry road, a wolf apparently in pursuit.

“I thought maybe that’s the end of the story,” Lundquist says.

But it wasn’t, because by then, the lost dog had found some powerful allies. The Retrievers, an all-volunteer team, came to the rescue. The team’s motto— “Come Back Home, Puppies; Stay Warm, Puppies”—is emblazoned on a patch they wear. Though the motto (the bedtime prayer of a team founder’s son) is whimsical, this Minnesota-based group’s mission is absolutely serious.

via Whisker Therapy

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