Smiling Dog: Sadie

Dog's name and age: Sadie, 6 years

What are your dog's nicknames? Sadie Belle, Schnickle Fritz, Little Belle

Tell us the story of how you adopted your dog? We were looking for another dog to add to our family which already included two Golden Retrievers and a cat. Looking online we saw her picture at the East Bay Humane Society in Oakland, California and fell in love. In the photo, she was all matted and filthy but when we went to meet her they had already shaved her. She was quite funny looking! As her fur grew back, her personality and appearance really popped. She just got cuter and cuter. I've even had the vet mention that she look like a stuffed animal.

What makes Sadie smile?
Chewing on bones, snuggling on our laps, chasing her much larger brothers (the Goldens) and wearing funny hats.


via Whisker Therapy

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