March 16, 202506:23:10 AM

Smiling Dog: Maya

Photo by Kaila Drayton with Wonderdog Photography

Dog's name and age: Maya, 6 years

Nicknames: Mi Mi

Adoption Story: Maya was rescued from a thirty dog and cat hoarding situation in Maryland by Oldies but Goodies Cocker Spaniel Rescue. I had recently lost a dear companion of nearly 14 years and wanted to adopt another special pet. When I saw her picture on the rescue website and read her story I just fell in love. I officially adopted Maya last year and since then she has blossomed from an extremely shy dog into a confident and happy pup. I can't imagine my life without her.

I'm happy to give Maya the love and care she truly deserves and can tell how happy she is after years of being in a hoarding situation.


via Whisker Therapy

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