There is something so cute about seeing animals of different species interacting in a social way. A video out of Colorado shows a bull elk and a German Shepherd playing a game of chase through the fence. You can’t help but smile as you watch them play together.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Officer Captured the Play Session
The German Shepherd seen in the video belongs to an officer with the Colorado Parks and Wildlife. For about a minute, he captured the elk and the dog running up and down the fence line, chasing one another. It was clear that the animals were being playful as stated by a Colorado Parks and Wildlife expert on Twitter.
The Twitter post said, “The fence was not a barrier to the elk. It could easily hop that fence if it had any ill intentions toward the dog. Neither animal showed an ounce of aggression toward the other and never have, according to our officer.”

The Friends Have Been Playing for Several Years
The German Shepherd and bull elk have developed a friendship over the course of several years. According to the officer who is the human companion of the dog, the elk visits the dog’s yard every year. For the last several years, each visit results in a romping good time for both animals.

Fellow Elk Stand By Grazing and Enjoying the Show
In the full video seen below, notice that there are other elk on the other side of the fence, too. They are just standing around, grazing on some delicious grass, watching their buddy run up and down the fence line. None seem the slightest bit surprised or concerned with the cross-species play date.
WATCH amazing video of a bull elk and German shepherd chasing each other playfully along a fence. They seem to know everyone needs to get out and enjoy the Colorado outdoors. This elk and dog have been playing for years, as witnessed by an @COParksWildlife officer. #wildlife pic.twitter.com/nVGcGhDqg6
— CPW SE Region (@CPW_SE) December 10, 2019
Dogs Love to Mix it Up With Other Animals
This may be the first time you’ve seen a video of a dog and an elk playing together. There are countless other examples in online videos of dogs forging unlikely friendships. In the compilation below, we see different dogs of all different sizes playing with all kinds of animals.
A large dog is seen playing with a donkey in the snow. A small Chihuahua lets a baby chick hop all over it. A different German Shepherd is seen nosing a tropical bird. You even get to see a puppy playing with a kangaroo! These and many more are all examples of the sociability of dogs.
We hope Trygge the German Shepherd and his elk friend continue sharing a special bond and play together every year as the herd migrates past the yard.
H/T cesarsway.com
Featured Image CPW SE Region/Twitter
The post German Shepherd And Elk Play Annual Game Of Chase And It’s Adorable appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy