Celebrate Earth Day With These Eco-Friendly Treats!

April is the proud month of Earth Day! We all want what’s best for the planet, but without risking the health of our furry friends. Luckily, Chippin pet treats are high-quality, allergy-friendly, and safe for the environment. So, you and your furry friend can celebrate the planet by trying these tasty treats. Here’s how Chippin can make the world a better place.

Chippin Treats

It Reduces Greenhouse Gases

Did you know that pet food companies produce about 64 million tons of greenhouse gases? To put it in perspective, that’s the equivalent to about 13.6 million cars driving for an entire year. Pet food production takes up between 1.1% and 2.9% of greenhouse gases from all agricultural businesses. So, Chippin takes these issues very seriously and they strive to lower those numbers.

In fact, this innovative dog treat company chose the name “Chippin” carefully. It represents the fact that every dog parent can chip in to help the health and happiness of both pets and the environment. Pets partake in a lot of the global meat consumption, so their food options should be important just like human food. Chippin strives to improve that by creating treats that are equally nutritious and earth-conscious.

It Lowers Carbon Pawprints

By causing less greenhouse gases, Chippin also creates lower carbon footprints, or should we say pawprints? The “carbon pawprint” consists of all the water consumed, resources used, and greenhouse gases emitted during dog food production. With over 90 million dogs in the United States, that plays a huge role in the safety of our environment.

Chippin Treats

Chippin only uses planet-friendly ingredients, which are made at small to medium sized farms in the United States. Many of these ingredients are superfoods that help with aspects like digestion, gut health, allergies, and skin and coat. They’re not only nutrient-rich, but also more equitable for the planet, wild animals, and humans alike.

Here are some of the tasty and healthy ingredients you’ll find in Chippin treats:

  • Peanut butter
  • Banana
  • Cricket
  • Spirulina
  • Pumpkin
  • Blueberry
  • Kale
  • Flaxseed
  • Carrot

The two main proteins used are crickets and spirulina. They might seem unusual, but they are over 90% more eco-friendly than traditional proteins. The crickets are humanely harvested, and the spirulina is grown in a planet-friendly water system. So, with Chippin, you won’t have to worry about where your dog’s treat ingredients come from.

Chippin Treats

It Has Eco-Friendly Packaging

Not only are Chippin treats and ingredients healthy, but so is the packaging. All Chippin packages are made with post-consumer recycled content, which is stated on the top corner of the bag. So, Chippin is proud to cause less waste with their packaging.

It Uses Unique Protein Sources

Chippin uses cricket and spirulina proteins. If these unusual ingredients alarm you, there’s no need to fear. While they are more unique than your average treat proteins, they’re just as healthy and less likely to cause allergies. And on top of everything, these proteins are better for nature.

Cricket is a complete protein that’s easily digestible and has all 10 essential amino acids for dogs. Believe it or not, crickets also have more omega-3 and B12 than fish like salmon. For every pound of cricket used, zero methane gases are produced and only one gallon of water is needed. Yet, it takes over 2,000 gallons of water for a pound of beef! Imagine how much water these treats will save.

Spirulina is a superfood that’s a great source of omega-3s, beta carotene, and vegan protein. Through photosynthesis, spirulina acts as a carbon sink, which means it requires much less water than terrestrial plants. So, not only are these proteins in Chippin nutritious and tasty for your dog, but they’re much better for the environment.

Chippin Treats

Chippin treats are not only delicious for your furry friends, but every bag also saves the environment. Earth is the only planet with dogs, so we need to keep it safe! If your canine companion wants to try some tasty Chippin treats, [insert promotion details here].

Plus, every order of Chippin will donate $5 to Sacramento Shelter Pets Alive. So, not only will you be helping the environment, but you’ll be helping animals in need too!

The post Celebrate Earth Day With These Eco-Friendly Treats! appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

via Whisker Therapy

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