The 2022 “Cadbury Bunny” Is A Nursing Home Therapy Dog Named Annie Rose

Cadbury is of course famous for its candy, Cadbury Creme Eggs, that regularly appear in Easter baskets across the country. For the past several years, however, the brand is also known for its annual “Cadbury Bunny Tryouts” which highlight beloved pets and working animals across the country.

The Cadbury Bunny competition invites people to submit photos of their animals wearing bunny ears. A judging panel then determines 20 finalists for the public to vote on, and one of those lucky 20 gets the “Cadbury Bunny” title for a year.


About The 2022 Bunny: Annie Rose

After all the votes were counted, Cadbury announced the latest winner on March 29, 2022: a dog named Annie Rose. The English Doodle works as a therapy dog in nursing homes across the state of Ohio.


Therapy dogs benefit nursing home residents in a myriad of ways. Some appreciate the dog’s calming energy, some benefit from a little affection, and others reminisce about dogs they used to have.

Even when visitors weren’t allowed inside nursing homes during the pandemic, Annie Rose still came by residents’ windows to spread cheer. She and her handler know how much her visits mean to them, especially during those lonely peak pandemic days.


Residents of Triple Creek Retirement Center, one of Annie Rose’s frequent stops, celebrated her new title as Cadbury Bunny with a party for the pup. Lori R, Annie Rose’s handler/mom, wrote about the party on Facebook:

“What I love about her. She was crazy excited but she quickly brought her energy level down and began visiting each person. That is a real mark of a good therapy dog to read the room and respond appropriately. She went person to person to give kisses and say thank you.”


Congratulations on your big win Annie Rose the therapy “bunny” dog! It shows how valued therapy dogs are.

Tough Competition In 2022

Annie Rose beat out tons of other animals this year, and not just dogs either. The finalists in 2022’s Cadbury Bunny competition included a therapy horse named Sweetheart, a lizard named Cheeto Puff, and a hedgehog named Maple.

The 2020 “bunny” was a two-legged dog named Lieutenant Dan. 2021’s tryouts winner was a frog named Betty. So clearly, it’s not about species; the winners just have that “it” factor. Plus, the most votes.

Teal Liu, Cadbury Brand Manager, congratulated Annie Rose on her difficult win:

“A huge thanks goes out to all of the amazing contestants that made selecting this year’s top 10 so difficult and a big congratulations to our newest Cadbury Bunny, Annie Rose. From cats and dogs to sugar gliders and hedgehogs, cuteness and creativity was not in short supply when it came to this year’s finalists.”

There’s always next year, bunny hopefuls! Read the contest’s official rules here to enter your animal companion.

What Winning The Bunny Title Means

As the official bunny, Annie Rose gets to appear in a Cadbury commercial. The brand already shared behind-the-scenes footage of that upcoming ad online.

Annie Rose and her family will also receive a $5,000 check. Lori thanked everyone for their votes and support:

“Our community rallied behind and supported her just as she has for them for years as a therapy dog. All of us are still shocked by the news but can’t wait to get Annie Rose those iconic Cadbury Bunny ears.”

H/T: The Animal Club
Featured Image: Facebook

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