March 28, 202503:37:48 PM

Family Dumps Their “Ugly Dog”, Doctors Transformed Him With A ‘Life-Altering’ Surgery

This is the story of a dog, Bjarni, who was rescued from a difficult home with a disfigured face. Despite being ignored by passersby at first, those who one who found this dog’s story saw it as a worthy cause to support. There seems to be no immediate danger to the dog as he is cared for in a foster family before being adopted out into his forever home.

Image Credit: Facebook/St. Francis’ Angels

Bjarni had half a nose and many bite scars, likely from an attack by another animal. He was struggling to eat and breathe. When tracked down, his owners refused to take him back, even when told of possibility he could be euthanized.

Image Credit: Facebook/St. Francis’ Angels


St. Francis’ Angels, an emergency foster-home organization in Houston, Texas is one of the few organizations that will take ill pets off the streets so they can get help before they’re surrendered to a shelter. One weekend earlier this month, founder Annie Graber took in a pit bull who had hydrocephalus and other health problems.


After surgery, Bjarni’s face is completely re-aligned and he can breathe and eat properly! Despite having harsh experiences, Bjarni is the friendliest dog in the shelter. “Vivacious and engaging. He is totally unaware of his limitations and disfigurement,” Anne told the Huffington Post.


Image Credit: Facebook/St. Francis’ Angels


Update: We’re happy to say that Bjarni has found a nice forever home with a family that is accepting of him and is filled with love! He began his new life with a new name ‘Hogan’.


Stay for one more story!

Woman Spots Odd Shape In Park Field, Cries Out As She Puts Her Hand Inside:

Image/Story Source Credit: The Dodo and The Abandoned Ones “Saving Animals in Danger”




Judy Obregon is a dog rescue volunteer who spends most of her time looking for abandoned dogs. These pooches weren’t important enough to their callous owners to be properly handed in. Instead, they were left on roadsides, in parks, and all around the world.

She was on her way to a notorious landfill despite being unwell and tempted to remain in bed. She noticed a strange item out of the corner of her eye as she drove. She came to a stop when she discovered a pet house.






Maybe someone was just disposing of it and it was empty. But Judy knew she had to investigate thoroughly because you never know. Especially in this part of town. As she walked closer, she saw that the bed inside was soaked through. It was obvious the pet house had been out there a while. Judy pulled the wet bedding out and that is when she saw a tiny snout. Oh no, not again! There was a dog inside.



Image/Story Source Credit: The Dodo and The Abandoned Ones “Saving Animals in Danger”




Judy examined the pup and discovered that it belonged to a puppy who was clearly distressed. Who knows how long this tiny one had been outside! She could be hypothermic by now. The veteran rescuer gently guided the dog out of the pet house. That’s when she noticed that the puppy was in bad shape. She had mange all over her body. Her skin appeared to be extremely infected, and it looked like she was in agony. Judy rushed the puppy home before taking her to the veterinarian.




Image/Story Source Credit: The Dodo and The Abandoned Ones “Saving Animals in Danger”




At the clinic, the puppy was discovered to be approximately ten months old. She was diagnosed with Demodex mange by the veterinarian. Najila is a name Judy gave to the puppy, which means soulful eyes in Arabic.


Judy was so moved by the puppy’s perseverance and constant wagging tail. It appeared she had a lot of love to give. She also liked being held, and Judy guessed that her previous owner kept her outside because she literally desired to be handled and comforted. She genuinely hungered for physical contact and consolation.




Image/Story Source Credit: The Dodo and The Abandoned Ones “Saving Animals in Danger”




The next step was to get Jila placed in a medical foster. The puppy would continue her course of medicated baths and antibiotics, while she recuperated. Her new family would also give her an idea of what it was like to live in a house and be safe and cared for.




Image/Story Source Credit: The Dodo and The Abandoned Ones “Saving Animals in Danger”


Jila did well in her foster home. She overcame some medical issues, but fought hard to overcome each obstacle. What’s best is what comes next! Jila has found a family that loves her very much! She’s doing wonderfully, and she knows that each day will bring new love and stability to her life. A good ending makes us happy!


Image/Story Source Credit: The Dodo and The Abandoned Ones “Saving Animals in Danger”



You’re going to love the happy ending in the video below and please watch to the very end – – it’ll warm your heart!


Watch the video below and please ‘SHARE’ with a friend or family member!


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