Puppies are adored by most children. For a youngster to accept that he must let a puppy go and find her a good home, it requires great maturity and altruism. When this boy discovered a puppy, he knew he couldn’t care for her on his own, so he decided to assist with the search.
Image/Story Source Credit: My Pets via YouTube Video
So he did the most devastating thing imaginable. Before anyone could question him, he placed the puppy in a box outside a school’s front door and pounded loudly on the door before fleeing.
The janitor cleaning within heard the knock and opened the door. He saw the boy running away with his dog, who was standing beside him holding something. But there was more to it than that. The little boy had left a tear-jerking note with his puppy as well. When the janitor read this letter, he understood how terrible it must have been for the youngster to have to give up his dog for its own good.
Image/Story Source Credit: My Pets via YouTube Video
This is what the note said:
“Sorry it didn’t have a home and it was cold so we were going to give it to you. Please do let it go find a nice home.”
The janitor took the puppy to a dog-loving school teacher, who agreed to foster the pup. The name Snowflake was chosen for her. The teacher brought Snowflake to a local rescue group, Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue, where she received veterinary care and vaccinations before being adopted.
Image/Story Source Credit: My Pets via YouTube Video
Snowflake was ready to be rescued before Christmas, and the Wayne County Humane Society’s Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue stepped in to assist! She now belongs to a new family and has a larger doggie sibling to look up too, all because of the small boy who knew he had to act.
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The post Little Boy Left A Puppy In A Box At The School Door And Flees The Scene appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy