March 18, 2025

Top 9 Pet Insurance Plans For Newfoundlands (2022)

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Was there ever a gentler giant than the Newfoundland? Strong enough to tow boats and rescue swimmers, Newfoundlands have a history as working dogs and heroes. They’re also big fluff balls who make the best cuddlers.

Unfortunately, like with most dogs, the Newfoundland breed is predisposed to certain medical conditions. While these health issues can be expensive to treat, you may be able to cover the high costs if you invest in pet insurance for your dog early.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when it comes to choosing the right pet insurance plan for your beloved Newfie. This guide will help you select a plan that covers everything you want it to, so you can be there for your dog when they need you most.

Compare The Top 9 Pet Insurance Plans for Your Newfoundland Using our Free No-Obligation Quote Tool below

The simplest way to compare pet insurance prices is to use our tool below. The comparison tool will show you quotes from the top 9 pet insurance carriers, including Trupanion, Pets Best, Lemonade, ManyPets, FIGO, HealthyPaws, Prudent Pet, Spot, and Embrace pet insurance.

How Much Does Pet Insurance for a Newfoundland Cost?

Below are some sample pet insurance plans for a 1-year-old male Newfoundland using the zip code 75001 (Texas) as an example.

Ultimately, your plan’s premium will depend on several factors, including your dog’s age, size, and breed, as well as where you live. You also want to know what type of coverage your plan has and if it will help with Newfoundland-specific health problems. Let’s get more into those medical conditions and how much you can expect to pay to treat them.

Common Health Problems Associated With Newfoundlands

Gastric Torsion (aka “Bloat”) in Newfoundlands

Gastric Torson (aka “bloat”) occurs when your dog’s stomach fills too rapidly with gas, food, or fluid. Bloat is a sudden, life-threatening condition where the stomach can twist, blocking the organ’s entrance and exit. It can even obstruct blood flow, which is a medical emergency.

Bloat more commonly affects large breed dogs like Newfoundlands. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential when it comes to gastric torsion. Preventative measures, like regular exercise, proper diet, and not eating or drinking too quickly help as well.

If you notice any of these warning signs, you should take your Newfie to the vet right away:

  • Swollen belly
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Collapse

Sub-Aortic Stenosis in Newfoundlands

Sub-Aortic Stenosis is a genetic deformity where an abnormal ridge of tissue forms underneath the heart’s aortic valve, causing a blockage of blood flow. When the heart has to work harder, it creates a heart murmur.

If not treated, sub-aortic stenosis could progress and even lead to sudden death.

Cystinuria in Newfoundlands

This one is an inherited disorder caused by a defect in the transport of cystine, an amino acid, in the kidney tubules. A dog with cystinuria doesn’t properly reabsorb cystine, so their urine contains abnormally high levels. As cystine is insoluble, excess in urine results in the formation of crystals, which can then lead to kidney or bladder stones.

In most breeds, symptoms of cystinuria don’t develop until around 4-5 years of age, but in Newfies the condition can surface in just six months. These symptoms include:

  • Frequent and/or painful urination
  • Blood in urine
  • Sudden onset of vomiting, lethargy, or a refusal to eat

Left untreated, this condition can be life-threatening.

Hip Dysplasia in Newfoundlands

Hip Dysplasia is one of the most common problems in larger breed dogs, and Newfies are large: an average male Newfoundland can weigh up to 150 pounds, and a female can weigh up to 120. The hip joint is a ball and socket joint, and hip dysplasia causes malformation of the two components. That makes it difficult for your dog to walk, and the chronic laxity can cause abnormal wear, which leads to osteoarthritis.

The earlier you have your Newfoundland diagnosed, the better their outcome will be. Pet insurance often covers annual exams. If the condition worsens, it may require surgery.

Wobbler Syndrome in Newfoundlands

Also known as cervical spondylomyelopathy, this is a neurological condition of the spinal cord and neck. Dogs with Wobbler Syndrome experience compression of the spinal cord and the spinal nerve roots, which causes nervous system issues and/or neck pain. This condition typically affects large and giant breeds like the Newfoundland.

Afflicted dogs might have a “wobbly” gait and walk with their head down (a sign of pain.) In more advanced stages of the disease, all four limbs can be affected, and your Newfoundland may have difficulty getting up or staying standing.

Typical Costs Of Treating Health Issues In Newfoundland and How Pet Insurance Can Help

If left untreated, many of the health conditions listed above can result in long-term consequences and even require surgery, which ultimately makes them more expensive to manage. Selecting a pet insurance plan suited for your Newfoundland’s particular needs might save you tons of money on medical costs.

Here are just some sample veterinary expenses for Newfoundlands:

  • Gastric Torsion (“Bloat”) Costs: If your dog’s stomach has twisted, it will probably need emergency surgery to untwist it. The average cost of treating a bloat case with surgery runs between $2,000 and $5,000. If there are complications, the cost could be even higher. Pet insurance with emergency coverage can literally be life-saving in this case.
  • Sub-Aortic Stenosis Costs: Diagnosing this condition will require one or all of these tests: chest radiographs (X-rays), electrocardiography (ECG), and an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart). These each cost hundreds of dollars. Medication will be less pricey but necessary indefinitely.
  • Cystinuria Costs: This is a chronic condition, so the best course is to try and prevent stones from forming. This involves medication and special diets. Obstructions will require surgery, however, and that could cost $1,500. You’ll also need to pay $60-$250 for diagnostics like urinalysis.
  • Hip Dysplasia Costs: The cost of surgery for hip dysplasia can range from $4,000 to $6,000 per hip. Surgical options include Triple Pelvic Osteotomy, Femoral Head Osteotomy, and Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis, all costing thousands of dollars. Without surgery, your dog will suffer discomfort and eventually severe pain.
  • Wobbler Syndrome Costs: If your Newfoundland has this condition, they’ll need medical management for the rest of their life. Non-surgical treatments involve activity restriction and pain medications to reduce inflammation. They might need physiotherapy to maintain muscle mass. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to fuse the unstable segments of the cervical spine. This surgery costs $5,000 – $6,000 on average.

Knowing the signs and symptoms of these conditions common in Newfoundlands can help you catch them early, saving your dog and your money. When in doubt, take your pup to the vet to have them diagnosed.

What Is Pet Health Insurance And Why Do I Need It For My Newfoundland?

Pet health insurance works very similarly to human health insurance. Your policy quote will range in monthly price, depending on your dog’s breed, age, and where you live. Typically, you’ll spend around $15-$161 per month as a pet parent.

Pet insurance is mainly about peace of mind, knowing you won’t be totally overwhelmed in case of an emergency. Enrolling even when your dog is young and healthy will ensure you have plenty of coverage when they need expensive medical care later. If you choose a plan more suited to your dog’s particular breed, you’ll be more prepared when something happens later on in their life.

Some plans cover accidents and illnesses, while others only cover accidents. Certain plans do cover breed-specific illnesses, and others do not. It all depends on what type of coverage you choose. With our free pet insurance comparison tool, you can get quotes from multiple insurance companies with no obligation to commit.

Whatever plan you choose, you’ll feel better knowing you can take care of your dog when they need you most. Plus, you won’t have to suddenly shell out thousands of dollars. Learn more about how pet insurance works here.

Pet Insurance Carrier Comparisons

Breed Pet Insurance

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Pet Insurance by State

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