The sight of abandoned animals never fails to tug at our hearts, but each new story brings a fresh wave of pain and disbelief. The thought of someone leaving a helpless, innocent creature to fend for...
A man, named Joe Dunn, was walking through the woods when he suddenly heard a dog howling. He ran over and looked down into a 200-foot cave. He saw a dog trapped deep below. The pup must have fallen ...
A 10-month-old Great Pyrenees has always been loyal and protective around her family. She’s always by their sides, and she loves cuddling with them. However, her humans never anticipated that she wou...
Killer the Bichon Frise may look like a harmless, cuddly bundle of joy, but he’s got some serious warrior spirit! He always behaves so well when his humans are around. But that all changes once they ...
Our mothers are always right (or most of the time), and as kids, we should look to our parents for guidance. Similarly in the animal kingdom, maternal instincts compel moms to lead and educate their ...
When a soldier left for a many-month deployment to Kuwait, her family’s German Shepherd was still a young puppy. So when she got home, Seiko the Shepherd wasn’t quite sure who was at the door. After ...
Mutual Rescue (trademark of Humane Society Silicon Valley) presents the story of Eric and Peety. Eric was told by his doctor that he had five years to live. But everything changed after he went to th...
Even though animals can’t speak to humans, they show their love and gratitude in other ways. Dogs, cats, and other pets often show humans how they’re feeling through actions and body language, but as...
There are few things more challenging than a german shepherd with the runs! Managing your dog’s diarrhea can be a challenge, especially if you’re feeding the wrong food. We asked our Facebook German ...
Maple, the sweetest Pittie, was dumped on a freeway. Justine, her mommy, believes she was used as a bait dog. Justine saw Maple online and submitted an application. She believed Maple was meant to be...
When an animal lover is in a position of power, they sometimes choose to change the policies that are in place, so that they can improve their quality of life. This is exactly what motivated The Neth...
2-year-old Boomer is a Pit Bull mix that should weigh about 50 pounds, but he currently only weighs 20 pounds. When rescuers found him, he was so malnourished that he couldn’t stand up, and he was al...