Shira, a volunteer with The Animal Rescue Mission, tells the tale of two dogs who lived horrific lives before they were rescued. Chihuahua sisters, Annie and Layla, were found amongst a hoard of 40 dogs. The two pups wore heavy chains around their skinny necks. They were sickly thin, and every rib showed on their tiny bodies.

All the dogs were rescued. Since Annie and Layla are a bonded pair, they were placed together in a crate and then taken to the clinic to have their chains cut off. Shira says, “They just looked so defeated and sad.” But soon they would learn that their sad days are over. For good!

A woman named Joy stepped up to foster the pups. Even though the dogs were relieved to be away from their pitiful owner, they were unsure of their new surroundings. Layla’s fear got the best of her, and she wouldn’t allow Joy to touch her. As the pups settled into their foster home, Shira took to the internet to find the dogs a home together. There was no way this bonded pair could ever be apart!

Despite Layla’s protests and her ‘no touch’ policy, Joy wasn’t giving up. She continued to approach her with a gentle hand. Does Layla completely come around and accept her foster mom? Does the duo find their forever home? To find out, and experience their life-altering rescue, scroll down to the video below.
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The post Chihuahua From Hoarding Case Had A ‘No Touch Policy,’ But Woman Persisted appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy