10 Things Every Border Collie Owner Needs in Their Home


Border Collies are incredibly intelligent, active, and loyal dogs, known for their herding instincts and boundless energy. Owning a Border Collie means ensuring you have the right tools and products to keep them healthy, happy, and mentally stimulated. Here’s a list of essential items that every Border Collie owner should have at home:

Interactive Puzzle Toys


Border Collies thrive on mental stimulation, and interactive puzzle toys are perfect for keeping their sharp minds engaged. These toys can help prevent boredom and destructive behaviors, while also giving them a rewarding challenge.

High-Quality Grooming Tools


With their double coats, Border Collies require regular grooming to keep their fur in good condition. A slicker brush and undercoat rake are essential for managing shedding and preventing matting, especially during seasonal changes.

Agility Equipment


Border Collies are natural athletes, and agility equipment like tunnels, jumps, and weave poles can provide a productive outlet for their energy. Regular agility exercises not only keep them physically fit but also mentally stimulated, helping to curb restlessness.

Herding Balls


Border Collies have a strong herding instinct, and herding balls, large enough that they can’t be picked up, are a great way to mimic herding behaviors. These durable balls allow your dog to push, chase, and “herd” them, providing an excellent physical workout.

Heavy-Duty Leash and Collar


With their high energy levels and sharp instincts, a reliable leash and sturdy collar are necessary for walks and training sessions. A reflective, adjustable collar is ideal for safety, and a leash with a comfortable grip helps manage their frequent bursts of energy during walks.

Elevated Dog Bed


Border Collies are medium-sized, active dogs that appreciate a comfortable place to rest after a long day of play and exercise. An elevated dog bed offers joint support and allows airflow, keeping them cool and comfortable, especially after vigorous activity.

Joint Supplements


Border Collies are prone to joint issues like hip dysplasia due to their active lifestyle. Including joint supplements in their diet can help support healthy cartilage and reduce the risk of arthritis as they age, allowing them to maintain their mobility and energy.

Slow Feeder Bowl


Many Border Collies tend to eat quickly, which can lead to digestive problems like bloating. A slow feeder bowl helps pace their eating, promoting better digestion and preventing overeating, which is essential for their long-term health.

Hands-Free Fetch Launcher


Border Collies love to play fetch, and a hands-free fetch launcher can help them burn off energy while reducing strain on your arm. These launchers allow you to throw the ball farther, giving your Border Collie the physical exercise they crave.

Canine First Aid Kit


Given their active nature, Border Collies are prone to minor scrapes and injuries. A well-stocked canine first aid kit with bandages, antiseptic wipes, and a tick remover is crucial to ensure you’re prepared for any minor health issues or accidents, whether you’re at home or out on adventures.

Equip Your Home for a Happy, Healthy Border Collie


Having the right tools and products for your Border Collie is essential to keeping them healthy, happy, and mentally stimulated. With their high energy levels and sharp intelligence, investing in breed-specific items ensures they can thrive in both body and mind, while also maintaining their well-being.

The post 10 Things Every Border Collie Owner Needs in Their Home appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

via Whisker Therapy

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