Dog Left In Well Could Hardly Lift His Head Yet His Spirit Remained Unbroken

Moises’ story is one that truly tugs at the heartstrings and serves as a painful reminder of the cruelty some animals endure. His journey is nothing short of a miracle, showing the strength of the human-animal bond and the resilience of the canine spirit. Moises had been left for dead, abandoned on the side of the road after suffering a tragic fate. His story began when he was run over by a truck and then, rather than receiving help, was heartlessly thrown into a water well.

Serafina Aguilar Flores/Facebook

He remained there, injured and alone, waiting for hours. It was only thanks to the compassion of some locals who spotted him and pulled him out of the well that Moises’ life took a turn for the better.

A local rescuer named Serafina was contacted with a photo of Moises after the neighbors saved him. The image of the battered dog and his story was enough to stop her in her tracks. Moises had endured multiple fractures and was severely malnourished, yet he somehow managed to survive those agonizing hours trapped in the well. Serafina rushed to the scene, and when she arrived, her heart sank even further. Moises’ condition was worse than she could have imagined—he was so weak that he could hardly lift his head.

With great care, Serafina and her team gently placed Moises on a stretcher and transported him to a nearby animal hospital. There, the full extent of his injuries was revealed: not only had he suffered severe fractures, but he was also battling malnutrition and bladder issues. Despite everything he had been through, Moises remained gentle and kind, showing no aggression—his soulful eyes seemed to be full of love and hope.

Moises underwent surgery to repair his fractures, and in the months that followed, Serafina remained dedicated to his recovery. There were countless vet visits, physiotherapy sessions, and home exercises, all designed to help Moises regain his strength. Through it all, his spirit remained unbroken, and little by little, he started to recover.

Serafina Aguilar Flores/Facebook

Thanks to Serafina’s loving care and a specialized diet to help him regain weight, Moises began to look like a completely different dog. His once frail body filled out, and his fur grew shiny and healthy. While he still faces challenges, such as chronic bladder issues, Moises now walks confidently, wagging his tail as he enjoys daily adventures with Serafina.

Serafina Aguilar Flores/Facebook

Though he’s come so far, there’s still one piece of his journey left—finding a forever home. Serafina hopes that the right family will soon see Moises for the incredible companion that he is. He has so much love to give, and after everything he’s been through, he deserves nothing less than a life filled with love and happiness.

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Man Let His Seven Dogs Slowly Deteriorate in His House of Horrors

The man responsible is facing felony charges but must never be allowed to own or care for animals again.

Moises’ story is one of survival, kindness, and hope, and there’s no doubt that when the perfect family comes along, they will be incredibly lucky to call him their own.

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