After Losing Her Best Friend, Dog’s Sweet Mealtime Ritual Goes Viral

There’s no doubt that our pets feel it when we lose one of our companions – they bond, and the loss is just as much theirs as it is ours. Though they don’t sob like we do, or say “I miss my friend”, we can tell by the look in their eyes and in the way their behavior changes.

What makes this case remarkable is how Easton Durfur’s remaining pup’s behavior DIDN’T change. Easton recently told Twitter how his two yellow labs, Cookie and Stitch, had always shared one food bowl in their home. This might be a problem in some households, but Stitch had long ago trained Cookie to eat half the food, and leave the other half for him. Easton says Stitch always let Cookie eat first to make sure she got enough, and would eat whatever remained. Cookie, in turn, would always leave food in the bowl for him.

When Stitch passed recently, Cookie was left with full ownership of the bowl, so Easton only served enough food for one dog rather than the amount usually left for two. When Easton came around later to check that she had eaten, he saw that even though Stitch is gone, Cookie still left half her food behind in the bowl out of consideration for her missing friend.

It’s a sweet gesture, and it goes to show that even though her companion is gone, she’s definitely not forgotten. The loss of a pet can be hard, but at least Easton has someone by his side so that he doesn’t have to endure it alone.

via Whisker Therapy

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