At 146 pounds, a chocolate Labrador named Shiloh was twice the average size for his breed. A lifetime of being fed oversized meals and a Lab’s natural urgency to eat everything in sight forced this fun-loving family pet into a sedentary lifestyle. He lost his zeal for playing fetch and couldn’t walk more than a few dozen feet without having to stop and rest. At seven years old, his life expectancy was drastically shortened, and he needed an immediate change.
The help Shiloh needed came in the form of a new family. His original owners put him up for adoption, and Heidi Fiore from Massachusetts fell in love. Fiore and her family officially welcomed Shiloh home in October 2016, and they knew their first priority as pup parents would be to help their new dog lose weight.
They talked to a veterinarian and established a strict diet and exercise routine. Fiore changed Shiloh’s food to cut down on calories and committed herself to taking Shiloh on two walks a day. At first, Shiloh was reluctant to change. He protested exercise and would lay down during walks and refuse to move. It wasn’t always easy, but almost a year later, Shiloh has made an amazing transformation. Fiore announced on Shiloh’s Facebook page,
“He did it!! Shiloh has lost 60 pounds and reached his goal weight (that the vet set for him) of 85 pounds. It took 10 months and lots of walks (day and all hours of the night)!! Amazing transformation and we are so proud!”
With less bulk weighing him down, this formerly pudgy pup is experiencing all the things he used to miss out on. He loves going to the beach with his family and playing with his human siblings. He walks two miles a day without complaint and can easily jump in and out of the car on the way to dog-friendly adventures.
Fiore says he hasn’t lost his appetite and treats himself to the occasional cheat day in the neighbor’s trash, but his tremendous progress has been a continuous trend over the last 11 months.
Shiloh’s incredible weight loss is thanks to his new family’s commitment to giving him the life he deserves. Now eight years old, he’s expected to live a long and healthy life with the people who love him.
via Whisker Therapy