March 28, 202510:20:50 AM

Vintage Baseball Card Featuring A Scruffy Dog Breaks Records At Auction

What likely began as a tongue-in-cheek jab at a player has become one of the most sought after baseball cards in history. The card features a little-known infielder with an adorable dog perched at his side.

Art Whitney was a third baseman and shortstop for ten different baseball teams in six cities during the eleven-year span of his career from 1880 to 1891.

In 1887, Whitney posed for an Old Judge tobacco card with a pooch named Midget. While he may have simply loved dogs, many believe the image is a sybolic joke about Whitney’s lack of commitment to any one team. The dog represents loyalty and devotion – traits Whitney was certainly not known for, at least in his baseball career!

A recent $2.4 million sports auction staged by Mile High Card Co. has raised the unique collectable’s status to “the most well-liked card in history” according to Forbes. The image shows Midget with his paw on Whitney’s knee as the pup and player gaze into each other’s eyes.

Mile High’s copy of the card is in “Authentic” condition, which is considered the lowest possible grade in baseball cards, meaning it has been altered, trimmed or damaged in some way. The dealer described the card as having,

“Rounded corners along with moderate soiling most notably to the reverse as well as a bit of creasing again more noticeable on the reverse.”

Despite its condition and the relative obscurity of the player, Mile High’s copy of the card sold for $1,372, almost five times its historic average in an “Authentic” grade. Dave Levin is a longtime dealer of baseball cards, including the Old Judge tobacco cards issued from 1887 – 1890, which are credited with initiating the baseball card collecting craze.

Levin told Forbes that the Whitney card outperformed the dozen other Old Judge cards at the Mile High auction – and it’s all thanks to Midget! According to Robert Edward Auctions, the photo is “one of the most unusual, memorable images to ever appear on a baseball card.

Midget’s beloved place in baseball history is further proof of what we already knew – dogs make everything better!


H/T to Forbes

Featured Image via Flickr/Erik Weasenforth

via Whisker Therapy

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