March 28, 202507:49:47 AM

AKC Ranks This Year’s Most Popular Dog Breeds

To celebrate another year of dogs being man’s best friend, the AKC has put together their annual list of the country’s most popular dog breeds. While mixed breeds rank in popularity overall, the AKC’s list is a definitive ranking of the breeds you’re most likely to see in an American home. They look at the number of AKC certified puppies registered in their database and compile the list based on those numbers.

The Labrador Retriever has taken home the top prize for years, and America’s most popular breed is at no risk of being dethroned. The top five have been consistent for the past five years, but looking further down the list shows significant change in what breeds people like best.

The Cane Corso, a large breed originating from Italy, has jumped 10 spots in the past four years. The Belgian Malinois, the breed most often chosen for military and police work, has also moved up the ranking by 13 slots since 2013.

Consistently making its way toward the top 10 is the German Shorthaired Pointer. The hunting breed moved up three ranks in as many years, and its competition, the Boxer, has only gone down on the list since it was number seven in 2013. Next year’s list might finally see a change in the top 10, but for now, the consistency of the top breeds shows Americans know what they like and they like to stick to it.

AKC Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds

#1 – Labrador Retriever

#2 – German Shepherd

#3 – Golden Retriever

#4 – English Bulldog

#5 – Beagle

#6 – French Bulldog

#7 – Poodle

#8 – Rottweiler

#9 – Yorkshire Terrier

#10 – Boxer

via Whisker Therapy

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