10 Dog Breeds That Make Wonderful Companions For Seniors

Not only do senior citizens tend to have more time and attention to devote to the care of their pets; those who own a dog have been shown to have lower blood pressure, increased social interactions and healthier exercise habits.

Several lifestyle factors should be considered before choosing a dog. Take into account your activity level, living situation and the amount of care you are able to provide.


The following 10 breeds are excellent choices for seniors, but they certainly aren’t the only ones! Whether you choose a puppy or an adult; a purebred or a mutt; what matters most is that your personalities and lifestyles are in sync and that there is plenty of love between you!

1. Poodle

Poodles are highly intelligent and fiercely devoted to their families. They are known to excel at agility competitions, but they also shine in more mellow roles as service or therapy dogs. Another benefit to the Poodle is that they come in 3 distinct sizes from Toy to Standard to suit any lifestyle.


2. Maltese

Don’t let the Maltese’s playful nature and energetic spirit fool you. These dogs love nothing more than to be the cherished lapdog of their favorite human. They were extremely popular among royalty and the wealthy elite in 20th century Europe. Happy to go for a rejuvenating walk or simply bask in your adoration, the Maltese is a diverse and loving companion.


3. Shih Tzu

These fluffy cuties aren’t so small as to get under your feet, nor are they too big to pick up and snuggle! Shih Tzus are the full package for seniors. They love to lift your spirits with their playful, clownish antics, but they are also content to curl up with you while you read or watch TV. Shih Tzus live to make their humans happy and tend to be highly trainable.


4. Yorkshire Terrier

These pint-sized pocket pups would rarely ever touch the ground if they had their way. They love to be carried and often climb onto their owners’ shoulders in order to be as close to them as possible. Despite their endless affection, don’t forget that Yorkies are still terriers, and have the capacity for high energy and lots of barking. The plus side is, no one will ever sneak up on you with a Yorkie around!


5. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

If you are searching for a gentle, lovable lap-warmer, you came to the right place! Cavvies are friendly, trainable, great with children and highly adaptable. They can be just as content in a one room apartment as they would be in a mansion. All they ask is that their favorite humans are close by their side.


6. Japanese Chin

Although Chins enjoy a nice walk and a daily play session, they are considered to be one of the canine breeds that require the least amount of exercise. Their little worlds revolve around their humans and they will faithfully trot behind you wherever you may roam. Chins are also excellent cuddlers, but watch out for the snoring from those little squishy noses!


7. Lhasa Apso

Lhasas love to protect their humans and they take their watchdog job very seriously. Most of the time they will snuggle up and relax with you, but should a visitor come to the door, your Lhasa will certainly let you know! Despite their unwavering devotion to their main human, they may get a little snippy with kids and guests if not trained properly early on.


8. Pekingese

Described as stubborn, independent, aloof and dignified, these regal pups can be hard to win over. However, they are fiercely loyal and devoted to those humans they deem worthy. Most owners describe them as “one person dogs” meaning they give their whole heart to one special person, then spend the rest of their lives adoring only them!


9. Pomeranian

Poms are often mistaken for stuffed animals, and if you know one, you understand why! As much as they love scampering about with a toy, they also adore perching in your arms and watching the world go by. These devoted little watch dogs also make it a point to “protect” you from squirrels, mailmen and neighborhood cats.


10. Bolognese

Bolos live to please their humans and will adjust their lifestyle in order to suit yours. They are known to be calm, quiet, affectionate and cuddly. Although still rare in the US, they are rapidly growing in popularity thanks to their cuteness, gentle nature and remarkable personalities.


via Whisker Therapy

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