March 18, 2025

Breaking the Puppy Mill Supply Chain

Groundbreaking Humane Laws

The long standing connection between puppy mills and California’s retail pet stores will be disrupted by a new law signed on October 13 by Governor Jerry Brown. The law, which started as Assembly Bill 485 and was introduced by Patrick O’Donnell (D-Long Beach), requires pet stores to source their “live dogs, cats and rabbits” solely from rescue groups, adoption centers and shelters. It also requires the stores to post signs on each animal’s enclosure listing the name of the entity from which the animal was obtained. The law is intended to promote partnerships advocating for the adoption of homeless pets.

Although many cities in both the U.S. and Canada have enacted similar laws, California is the first to apply it statewide. Not surprisingly, pet industry representatives and breed organizations protested that it was “bad for business.” Direct sales by breeders to individuals are not affected by the new legislation.


via Whisker Therapy

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