March 18, 202501:31:37 PM

Ode to an Old Dog

Photo by Amy © greenplasticamy

Smiling white-faced
clown, tongue
like a wet pink rag.
Ear-scratcher. Shadow
of gold at my heels.
leash jingler –
sun, wind, snow
and rain. Never met
a stranger,
sloppy kisses all around.
Head out the Honda window,
ears billowing
in the breeze. Kibble-gobbler.
Toasty snuggler,
furry foot warmer
jawing a soggy tennis ball.
grass-snacking machine.
Paw in my lap,
drool on my shoe.
Wobbly leg-lifter,
yellow snow maker,
late afternoon napper
with a cold wet nose.
Woof at the door.
Circle three times, drop
in a clatter and sigh.

via Whisker Therapy

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