New Research Questions “Pawedness” in Dog

Dogs don’t show consistent paw preference across tasks

I’m right handed. Utensils, pens, pencils, and of course my toothbrush are all operated by my right hand. Like roughly 90% of people, my left hand simply isn’t cut out for much on its own. 

Dogs, outfitted with paws not hands, also appear to prefer one paw over the other. In dogs, paw laterality—or paw preference—is explored not with forks or pencils, but with more dog-appropriate motor tasks. Studies have asked which paw dogs use to reach toward food or which paw they use to remove something from their body, like a blanket. Researchers have even checked which paw dogs first lift to walk down a step and which paw they “give” when asked to “give” paw. To date, it has been assumed that, like us, dogs have a “hand” preference. 


via Whisker Therapy

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