March 28, 2025

Husky-Mix Guides Arctic Artists

Nemo in the Arctic
Watercolors by Lisa Goren

The dog Nemo was on the boat as an experiment. We were 27 artists on a residency in the Arctic, sailing on a tall ship 500 miles from the North Pole to observe, learn and make art. Nemo’s owner, one of our guides/ guards, had asked if he could come along. At least, that’s what I think happened. Fifteen years earlier, I had been to Antarctica on another ship, and this trip was on the path to being an equally amazing and inspiring experience.

“You’re so brave!” people say to me. “To go to the ends of the Earth and explore must be exhilarating and terrifying.” I’ve even been asked if I was the first woman to go to Antarctica (by a fifth-grader during one of my presentations). Answer—not by a long shot, although with the exception of one or two women, this history is fairly recent.


via Whisker Therapy

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