March 28, 202503:20:19 AM

Smiling Dogs: Snow & Bandit

Dog's name and age: Snow and Bandit

Adoption Story:

Our family went to the adoption agency looking for one adult dog. However, we fell in love instantly when we saw the bonded pair, Snow and Bandit. They had been rescued after being found abandoned near the border of Mexico. When they were taken in, the puppies had mange, ticks, fleas, and were malnourished. In addition, they are allergic to almost every food available. Fortunately for our family, we were happy and excited to adopt both.

Snow and Bandit are always happy to see us when we get home. They offer so much unconditional love, they love to cuddle and give kisses! The puppies even share their love with the techs and vet at their veterinarian’s office. The best Christmas card we received was from the veterinarian's office where each person signed and shared their own reason of why they adore our puppers.


via Whisker Therapy

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