March 28, 2025

Maintenance Worker Can’t Help But Play With Tenant’s Adorable Dog Before Leaving

The trend of dog-friendly work places is on the rise, and I’ve got to say that I’m personally all for it. Breaking up a long work day with some snuggles and pats sure makes the rest of it easier. Plus there’s plenty of proof that playing with a dog is immensely therapeutic.

Not everyone has an office or regular workplace to go to, however. Some people’s workplace happens to be other people’s homes. The best part about that is the likelihood one of those homes is the residence of a dog.

A home security camera video making the internet rounds shows one such residence, home to a sweet tiny white pup named Jax. In the video, a maintenance worker with a shopping cart full of supplies stands near the apartment door. He’s approached by a very eager and very fluffy little Jax.

Jax, in his own home, clearly doesn’t recognize that someone is doing paid work here. He just wants to play!


Clearly no one can resist this little guy’s approach, and the worker bends down to give him hugs and scratches. He scoops the little guy right up, and it’s hard to say who seems more excited about that.

@ thund3rbolt/GfyCat

Watch the full wholesome video below!

This video of Jax and his new friend was shared on Reddit under the sub Reddit r/MadeMeSmile. In the comments, a few others who work in maintenance confirmed how valuable encountering dogs during their work days can be. One user, ac1dre1gn77, admitted he preferred interacting with tenants’ dogs to them.

“The best part of being a subcontractor was homeowners dogs. I didnt have to get along with the people i was doing work for, but I HAD to get along with the dogs. Most of the time the people would be at work when I got there. Is always come in and play with the dogs for a few minutes even before putting drops down. I kept treats in my truck. Id spend some time before id leave with them too. People can be jerks. Dogs are genuine all of the time.”

Another user @haldyson echoed his same sentiment.

“I’m a delivery driver and being able to play with all the different customers dogs that I see every day is my favourite part of my job!”

Here’s to all the pups like Jax who have made us feel good while we’re on the clock!

H/T: Reddit
Featured Image: @thund3rbolt/GfyCat

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