March 28, 202509:50:13 PM

Sade Was Nursed To Health And Found Her Forever Home Because Of You!


iHeartdogs works closely with The Greater Good by donating part of each sale to their various charity efforts. One of the charities, Rescue Bank, works to donate quality dog food to shelters and rescues who are in need. Some organizations could not run without the kind donations from organizations like this, and that’s why your donations are so appreciated.

The What We Do For The Love Of Pets Rescue is just one of the many rescues that benefit from the generous efforts of the Greater Good’s Rescue Bank. This rescue works to save dogs from surrounding shelters and take in dogs that need a bit of TLC before they can find their forever home.

Sade is one of the many pups that have found their forever home through the efforts of the dedicated team at What We Do For The Love Of Pets Rescue. Sade’s original mom had a busy work schedule, and soon found herself with little time to dedicate to Sade each day.


Though it was a tough decision, she knew it was best to surrender her to the rescue and help her find a home that could give her the love and attention she deserved.

Sade also required medical attention as she had a skin condition that was left untreated. With medicated baths and a nutrient rich diet from the donated food from GreaterGood’s Rescue Bank, Sade was healed and ready to find her home within a month.


“Donations from’s Rescue Bank Helped with Sade’s skin. Having good quality food helps greatly with skin issues.” – What We Do For The Love Of Pets Rescue

Once Sade was medically cleared from her skin condition, she set off to an adoption event in hopes of finding the perfect family for her. It must have been meant to be, because Sade’s future mom attended the event that day and knew instantly that she was the perfect pup for her. She even had a dog at home that looks just like Sade!


Sade is now living her very best life with her new fur mom and her look alike furry friend. Because of the rescues hard work and the donated supplies from the Rescue Bank, Sade now knows what it’s like to be someone’s entire world. She deserved this happy ending!

Thank you to the dedicated animal rescuers that helped bring Sade to her forever home!

Image Source: What We Do For The Love Of Pets Rescue

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