Huskies are known to be quite vocal when expressing themselves. They let our a siren’s wail that their humans can’t help but answer. Sometimes it seems they just want to talk and other times they are communicating a clear message.
In the case of Zeus and his Dog Mom, Zeus relentlessly “talks” to his mama until he gets his way. The resulting trip through the house is adorable. Make sure you watch every clip because the end has a very cute and unexpected twist.
Zeus comes into his mom’s office where she is attempting, and failing, to get some work done. She asks him what’s going on. His German Shepherd brother is nonplussed, obviously accustomed to Zeus’s carrying on. She indicates that Zeus has just gone outside so it can’t be that. With a sigh that all moms of demanding dogs understand, she decides to let him take the lead. I mean, there could really be something wrong, right? She follows him to check it out.
Zeus’s mom follows him out of the office and down the hall with him howling and beckoning every step of the way. She continually asks him, “What’s wrong?” and “What do you want?” as they make their way into the room at the end of the hall. It’s the kitchen. Uh, huh. Maybe he needs kibble or water?
Zeus stops close to his bowls and his mom asks, “What’s wrong? What’s empty?” She then comments that his food and water bowls are full. To that, Zeus lets out the longest cries of the entire conversation as if to say, “No, Mom! That’s not it!”
Mom is clued in at this point. “Is it because you just got some treats?” she asks with a slight hint of exasperation. We can’t see her face but are pretty sure she’s rolling her eyes at this point. She teases him that this is why he’s a bad Husky. Zeus knows he is finally going to get what he wants so he changes his tune a bit and his howls sound more excited than pleading. The German Shepherd, Caden, quiet all the while, sits obediently to receive his treat. Zeus gets out a few more whines before finally zipping it up and gently taking a treat. But wait. There’s more.
Did you notice that Zeus’s mom told him very certainly that this was the last treat he was going to get? She said that she had to get some work done so there would be no more. But… like all of us, she simply couldn’t resist the cuteness sitting in front of her. So what did she do? That’s right. She gave Caden and Zeus one more treat after all! And Zeus was so quiet you could hear a pin drop in that kitchen.
See the full video here:
We totally understand, mama. Been there, done that! What do your dogs do to get their way?
H/T ilovemydogssomuch.tv
Featured Image Screenshot Rumble Viral/YouTube
The post Vocal Husky Leads Mom Across The House To Get His Way And It’s Adorable appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy