March 28, 202508:34:48 PM

Opie Went From A Life Of Neglect To A Life Filled With Love Because Of You!

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iHeartDogs works closely with GreaterGood by donating part of each sale to their various charity efforts. One of the charities, Rescue Bank, works to donate quality dog food to shelters and rescues who are in need. Some organizations could not run without the kind donations from organizations like this, and that’s why your donations are so appreciated.

The Southern Illinois Pointer and Animal Rescue is dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of Pointer and Pointer mixes, as well as other canine friends that find themselves in desperate situations. Their mission involves finding ways to make the adoption of surrendered and rescued pets more attractive and therefore improving the lives of the dogs that end up in their care by finding forever homes.

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While rescuing so many dogs in desperate need of saving, they come across serious cases of neglect from time to time. One of their most memorable rescues was that of a Pointer mix named Opie, and the miraculous transformation he made with the help of the Pointer rescue.

Opie was 1 year old when his condition was brought to the attention of the local animal control. He was in the hands of a cruel owner that left him chained outside without shelter, where he was only offered water and food by concerned neighbors. The only food option that his previous owners offered him was a rotting deer carcass that he was forced to consume for weeks in order to survive.

Aside from being dangerously malnourished, he was also covered in infected sores. Opie’s spirit was breaking, and he needed help fast.

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Luckily after the reports of his concerned neighbors, he was able to be rescued by the city’s animal control. Soon after he made his way to the local shelter, The Southern Illinois Pointer and Animal rescue welcomed him into their care.

Once he was finally in the loving arms of the dedicated rescuers, he began to put on some much-needed weight. He was so thrilled with the ability to have two delicious meals each day and made sure to consume every single kibble that was in his bowl.

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“’s Rescue Bank is VITAL to our organization. Without them providing high-quality food, we would not be able to do it. Our vet expenses are high. We get many heartworm positive dogs. Treatment is expensive. The money that we save through Rescue Bank allows us to use the funds we save on food for vetting. Thank you, Rescue Bank!” – Southern Illinois Pointer and Animal Rescue

Opie was able to bulk up, receive much needed veterinary care, and find the forever family of his dreams! Dogs like Opie are given the opportunity to succeed thanks to your donations, and the rescues could not be more grateful. We hope Opie goes on to live the wonderful life he always deserved!

Image Source: SouthernIllinoisPointerRescue/FB

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