Chances are high if you’re reading this that you have dog toys strewn about your house. Of course, you do! We all love to spoil our pups. For many dogs, nothing is better than the excitement that comes from getting their paws on a brand new toy! And, for many dogs, they show their love and excitement for that toy by instantly ripping it to shreds.
One Dog Takes A Stand Against Toy Abuse
That’s not the case for Mika! This adorable Border Collie has taken his role of protector very seriously. Ever since puppyhood, Mika has been the keeper of the toys.
“Mika has very strong sheepdog behavior, especially when it comes to guarding things,” Mika’s human sister, Vanessa, told The Dodo. “If we finished doing laundry and accidentally dropped a pair of socks he would steal them away to his bed and wouldn’t let anyone near (them).”

Rather than relishing in the delight of hearing the toys rip and joyfully throwing stuffing around the room, Mika has more refined taste. He is so gentle and caring with his toys, almost like a collector of fine china. Mika has built up quite an impressive collection since none of his toys ever need to be thrown out. Most of Mika’s playtime is spent cuddling his precious bounty of stuffed animals. Even squeakers are no match for Mika’s incredible willpower! Inevitably, he feels like letting loose and playing with his toys. Even when that happens, he is still incredibly careful not to cause them any harm.

Mika’s Toys Got A Wash With A Little Bait And Switch
Eventually, all toys must face the fact that they get a little smelly. Even Mika’s delicate pampering wasn’t enough to keep his toys clean. Mika’s family decided that the time had come to bathe his toys. Successfully getting the toys away from overprotective Mika seemed more difficult than winning the lottery!
His family was eventually able to break the toys free from Mika’s faithful guarding. They did a little bit of a bait and switch tactic, or a good cop/bad cop if you will. While Mika was distracted by a pleasant stroll outside, Vanessa got her hands dirty, giving Mika’s collection a wash. Now, we aren’t advocating for tricking your pup with the promise of a walk, but you have to admit it was pretty clever!
However, Mika returned home and quickly realized there was foolery afoot.
“When he came back through the back gate with my dad he immediately walked onto the grass and stared up at the washing line,” Vanessa admitted. “After looking at my mum, and then back at the line, he put his bum on the ground and wouldn’t come to her call.”

Poor Mika felt betrayed. He sat on guard, refusing to move from his line of toys as they dried in the wind. Even his three (yes, THREE) Spongebobs had been stripped of their perfect filth! Zoom in. Just look at the betrayal and unamused look in his eyes. If Mika were a lesser man, I’d be willing to bet someone would be getting poop in their shoe.

Mika was eventually reunited with his clean toys. He forgave his family for their toy cleansing sins before going back to getting them perfectly dirty again.
h/t: TheDodo.com
Featured Photo: @Reddit/Azura_BlackHeart
The post Collie Betrayed By Family Who Cleaned His Beloved Toys appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy