Dog Found Treading Water In Lake Michigan After Going Overboard

A family from West Michigan was enjoying an excursion on their boat on oceanic Lake Michigan. To their utter shock, they spotted a dog treading water several miles offshore. The astonished group dragged a cold and tired pup on deck, saving her life.

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Wilcox Family Were Out on a 12 Hour Boating Trip

The Wilcox family was spending a summer day on a 12-hour boating trip on Lake Michigan. They planned to make their way from Grand Haven to Frankfort and had successfully boated about eight hours towards their destination. Suddenly, Jeannie Wilcox saw something very surprising in the water.

She told WOODTV, “I see this red animal in the lake and I started screaming, ‘Dog in the water!’” The dog was swimming without a life jacket a full four miles offshore! The Wilcox family went to her aid immediately. 

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They Pulled a Cold, Tired, Scared Dog Onboard

They pulled up carefully to the dog. Standing on the platform, they were able to easily pull her out of the water to safety. Jeanie told WOODTV, “We brought her up on our swim platform really easily. We dried her off. She was obviously scared and cold.”

The family dried her off and the relief felt by all involved was felt immediately. Instead of carrying on to their planned destination of Frankfort, the family headed to Belmont to get see if the dog was microchipped.

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Microchip Helped Locate the Dog’s Family

The dog did in fact have a microchip so her family was able to be contacted. The two families met up shortly thereafter to return the lost dog to her home. Jeannie Wilcox said, “I just hope that if this was my dog, somebody would do the same for me. I would just be very grateful, happy because I know how rough Lake Michigan can be.”

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Dog is Lucky to Be Alive Without a Life Jacket

Earlier this summer we shared a story about another dog who went overboard on Lake Michigan. After searching the water for hours, the family took their search to the shore. Their dog was found hiding in the bushes onshore. The family was not even sure when or where the dog fell overboard.

That dog was wearing a life jacket, which was still safely secured on her body when she was found alive, but scared, onshore. These stories serve as a stark reminder that EVERYONE, humans and canines alike, should wear a life jacket when boating.

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