Hope For Paws recently received a call about an animal in need of urgent care. The homeless dog was located near the Mexico border and it needed medical care.
Image Credit: Hope For Paws on YouTube
When rescuers arrived at the scene, they spoke with the man who called them and learned that the homeless dog had taken a liking to the man’s dogs. Rescuers saw it was clear this pup needed a lot more than just food.
Image Credit: Hope For Paws on YouTube
When rescuers coaxed Pax with food before slapping a leash around him, the sweet pup let them pick him up and put him in their car without resistance. He was relieved to be out of harm’s way after he patiently waited for his rescue.
They took him to the animal hospital, where he was treated for his skin, ear and eye infections, mange, and open wounds.
Image Credit: Hope For Paws on YouTube
He was very cooperative, and allowed the doctors to treat him, as well as giving him a medicated bath to help heal his skin.
Image Credit: Hope For Paws on YouTube
When Pax first got to Forgotten Dogs, he had wounds on his hind legs, but thankfully, he recovered with the help of The Forgotten Dogs Foundation.
Watch this gripping story of Pax and be sure to SHARE this story with a friend or family member!
The post Ailing Homeless Dog Closed His Eyes, Knowing He Was Finally Safe For First Time appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy