This Dog Is A Lifesaving Angel For Woman With Life-Threatening Illness

We all know dogs are incredible, but diabetic alert dogs are really in a special category all their own. These amazingly skilled dogs can detect blood sugar levels with their super noses. With training, these dogs help ensure the safety of their handlers, providing comfort, peace of mind and security.

Dominique Trappio, an Atlanta resident, was unexpectedly diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 25, despite being the picture of health prior. Her organs started to fail, and she nearly died. When she was admitted to the hospital, Trappio’s blood glucose level was 800 mg/dL. For reference, it should ideally be somewhere between 80 to 120mg/dL.

Trappio told 11Alive about her near-death experience:

“It taught me on top of diabetes, that you can’t take anything for granted. You aren’t guaranteed another day.”

Soon after, an amazing Lab named Bowie would enter the picture and change everything for the better.

How Diabetic Alert Dogs Help When Devices Fail

According to Trappio’s GoFundMe page, diabetic alert dogs have been proven to detect changes in glucose levels up to 30 minutes faster than a continuous glucose monitor. Trappio writes:

“That is huge in a world where you are your own healthcare provider on a daily basis and the name of the game is time.”

via GoFundMe

Bowie is currently in training to become an official D.A.D. (diabetic alert dog). When he’s finished, he can start his new life with Trappio (and vice versa.)

Bowie Makes A Huge Difference

One significant risk for Trappio is her blood sugar levels dropping while she’s asleep. Bowie’s training equips him to paw or nudge her as soon as he detects a change.

“It is no over-statement to say this dog is ‘life-saving.’ He alerted me at least four times that my blood sugar was low, and he’s only 3 months old.”

Bowie also knows when to find help if his handler becomes non-responsive. Trappio explained how the dog got his name, and it’s all about him being a hero.

via GoFundMe

“I named him Bowie after Chadwick Boseman who played Black Panther. He was such a hero to so many. Bowie will be my hero.”

Bowie is more than a live-in hero to Trappio, though. They’re also best friends.

“I love him, he loves me, and I think we are going to be an excellent team.”

How Bowie Inspired Trappio To Help Others

Trappio partnered with Dylan’s Dogs For Diabetes to raise money not only for Bowie but for others who may need a service dog like him. These dogs may literally mean life or death for diabetics, but that’s not something everyone can afford.

“A lot of people don’t realize that these dogs are between $20,000 and $30,000. There are not a lot of people can reach in their pocket and pull out that kind of money for a dog.”

via GoFundMe

The impact Bowie has made on Trappio’s health and overall well-being made her want to give that to others.

“This isn’t just about me. Bowie and I are going to advocates and work to help other people, too.”

Trappio hopes to have Bowie officially certified and with her by her 30th birthday. That would be the best gift anyone could ask for.

“There is no better gift than being able to live independently, confidently and in the best state of health possible while helping others achieve the same.”

With that thought in mind, consider donating either to Trappio’s GoFundMe or Dylan’s Dogs For Diabetes.

H/T: 11Alive
Featured Image: via GoFundMe

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