‘Superstore’ Actress Lauren Ash Adopts Older Dogs – And You Should, Too!

Lauren Ash plays bird-loving assistant manager, Dina Fox on NBC’s hit show “Superstore,” but in real life she prefers furry friends to those with feathers. Ash is dog mom to two senior Chihuahuas named Fox and Peaches, and a tabby cat named Sharky.

Earlier this month, the breakout star shared her thoughts on adopting older pets for the Today Show segment, “My Pet Tale.”

Photo via Instagram @LaurenElizabethAsh

You CAN teach an old dog new tricks – and much more!

“Personally I’ve become very passionate about adopting older animals,” Ash says in the video. “I feel so lucky that I get to provide these animals, who maybe had rough starts, with very comfortable, loving, amazing lives, even if it’s only for a short amount of time.”

Ash adopted Fox when he was 5-years-old. She notes that the rescue had trouble placing him, with most adopters opting for puppies or younger dogs. It is a common misconception in the rescue world that adult or senior pets are “set in their ways” and cannot acclimate to a new lifestyle.

While there is always an adjustment period, dogs respond to love, patience, and positive reinforcement. It can take several weeks or even months for your new dog to come out of his shell and show his true personality, but it is definitely worth the wait.

Photo via Instagram @LaurenElizabethAsh

Older dogs tend to be more easy-going, but they still have lots of life to live.

“Getting an older dog is pretty awesome because they’re low-key, they’ve got lower energy, and they love just laying in the backyard,” says Ash. “…They’re just really interested in cuddles and naps, and laying in the sun.”

Ash is right, many older dogs are happy to live the rest of their lives like they are on an extended beach vacation. However, just like people, dogs come in endless varieties. Some retirees are content to knit, read, and play with their grandkids. Others run marathons and jet-set all over the world!

The key is finding the right pooch to fit your lifestyle.

Photo via Instagram @LaurenElizabethAsh

Older dogs are wise and compassionate beyond their years.

“There really is nothing like having the energy of an animal around you when you are going through a hard time.”

Ash mentions in the video that she has gone through several serious medical episodes and that Fox, Peaches, and Sharky are always there to comfort her. While puppies are busy growing and learning, older dogs are happy to devote all their energy to their favorite humans.

The company of a good dog is one of the most healing forces in the world. Whether you are suffering from an illness or just feeling the strain of everyday life, the love of a good pet can make it all a bit easier to bear.

Photo via Instagram @LaurenElizabethAsh

Ash uses her star power to help other dogs in need.

When she isn’t shooting new episodes of “Superstore” or working on one of her podcasts, Lauren Ash fundraises for Best Friends Animal Society (BFAS). She twice won the award for top individual fundraiser, and was chosen as the organization’s 2020 Strut Your Mutt spokesperson.

She also shares posts of dogs and cats in need on her social media platforms.

Photo via Instagram @LaurenElizabethAsh

“It destroys me to know that dogs as wonderful and loving as my Fox can be euthanized because their age makes them less desirable to potential adopters,” Ash said in an interview with BFAS. “Adult and senior dogs have just as much love to give as younger ones and I encourage everyone to give an older dog a chance. I promise it will change your life in the best possible way.”

Check out Ash’s full episode of “Pet Tales” below and be sure to tune in for new episodes of “Superstore” Thursday nights on NBC!

H/T to Today.com
Featured Image via Instagram @LaurenElizabethAsh

The post ‘Superstore’ Actress Lauren Ash Adopts Older Dogs – And You Should, Too! appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

via Whisker Therapy

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